Elektra is eating well and gaining weight and health. She is irremediably blind, but finds her way around just fine. A huge teddy bear, all she wants is affection, as much as she can get. An amazingly kind dog, she is looking for the perfect home. Could it be yours? Write to me at v.larkhill@gmail.com. Send me pictures so I can see what her life would be like with you. Please share this video, let’s find a family for the amazing Elektra!
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Please share this video, let’s find a family for the amazing Elektra!
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Anyone who willing abuses animals, you will.get your karma. I hope they do but 1,000,000 fold. There are no words to describe such disgusting people. The Devil is better then these scum. Glad Electra is doing better. She looks so amazing now. Sorry to hear her sight won't come back but miracles do happen xx
Elektra is blind but…"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
Have a good life sweet Elektra
Thank You for sharing her progress. This is wonderful news. She is looking so much better. So living and playful. I pray she finds a loving home who will help her to grow into the beautiful dog is has shown us all she is. ❤❤❤
This is such a delight to see Elektra being the pup that she deserves to be! I was smiling throughout the video, so happy to see her transform 💜❤️💜❤️🤗🤗 I was so happy to think that she got her sight back… But 😔 Nevertheless, she is happy and she can find her way..thank you Viktor and team ❤️💜❤️💜
Have a good life you are safe now sweet girl . How can people be so cruel . Xx❤️
She looks great🥰
Wow very nice change happy to see this.👍👍👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
GORGEOUS Beautiful Elektra !! wow – God bless you always Elektra and all of you !
We love you girl!! Thank you 💞🐾🕊
I would adopt her in a heartbeat!!! I’ve raised Saint Bernards and have 2 10 month old Saint Bernard brother and sister!!!
Omg. Elektra is so butiful now 🥰
I Wonder how many bags of food she has eaten 😄 From 25 kilos to 55 kilos now 😄😄😅🥰🥰
Good job Elektra you really deserve a good life now and a lot of food with the new home you may find 🥰🥰
Blind or not, you are so cute and lovely girl 💜💜💜
Sono così tanto felice x Electra, di essere stata salvata, x miracolo…..essere stata curata , amata e infine, x aver trovato una famiglia che la AMI la rispetti…..Buona vita Electra e famiglia…. Grazie a tutte le persone che l' hanno aiutata….🙏😥💔❤❤❤❤❤👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Aw she's strong enough to bark now?
Amazing! What a difference! Now she is a St.Bernhard. Being blind will not be a problem for her. This should nobody stop from adopting her. She is wonderful!
It's just so amazing to see this girl getting healthy and happy .To see her roll and want to play is wonderful.
As always amazing people working with the unwanted and mistreated .
Love what you do. Bless you all .
so adorable 🥰
You are great and special people. Love for Nick and Kerrie in western Australia
She looks 100 percent better, great save Takis
Aww she is such a beautiful girl. Glad she is doing much better & getting the love she so much deserves I love her tongue omg I could gives her tons of kisses big bear. Give her some more weight and she will be perfect lol. Ty for people like you that do this and help our fur babies a lot of videos make me cry to see them the way people leave them as a dog owner myself I never understand why? If I lived closer I would adopt a bunch that is for sure .
Yous are amazing she's looking so much better thank you 💕
I still hope and pray that our lovable buddy electra finds a special true loving home with true love and respect for them always🤔🐕☀️
You'd never know she was blind. I forgot about it, until you reminded me on this video. She's looking great, and it will only get better. I think other bigish dogs will help her navigate life in a lovely home with plenty of space. But she's a big baby, so will fit into a smaller place. She just needs love. She's beautiful, and so dignified.
She really needs another dog companion to guide her if her eyesight is poor. Its not good for her to be alone. I love her so much and wish i could take her as we have always rescued Saint Bernards. But living in South Africa is way too far away so I pray her special angel will come and adopt her soon and give her all the love she deserves.
"Pero bueño…" Elektra me parece más mejor. Poco a poco, con paciencia y tiempo. Ella tiene personalidad ahora también. Y ve con su corazón.💕🐶🙏🏻
My sentiments exactly 👇👍❤🙏
Wow Victor makes me happy I donate to your rescue group
What a wonderful doggie. So happy she is a very much well.
Thanks guys
I for one see the full recovery process as essential. Thanks to all of the team at let's adopt. You do a wonderful job with everything you do. Thankyou… Bless all of you each and every day as you bless the life of every animal that you rescue.
It's so great to see. 🐾🐾🐾🐈⬛😘😘🙂
Just amazing, what a transformation, praying for the right person to come for her, she is so affectionate, Thanks for saving her 💜
Tolles Riesen-Mädchen mit (wie ich finde) einem unfassbaren Charakter ! Ich hab die ganze Zeit gedacht, dass Elektra doch sehen kann. Ich hoffe, es findet sich eine ❤️ens Familie, die ihr gerecht wird, die ihr 💓 schenkt und sooooooo glücklich wird, wie sie es vielleicht noch nie war.
Gute Arbeit, die ihr wieder geleistet habt. 👏👌
Electra, what a sweet one! So kind with a lovely voice. Sending wishes for a beautiful family to adopt her. Thank you Victor and team. 😘🎈🌺🧡
Elektra is a happy and sweet dog.Thank you Sir Viktor ❤❤❤