We give our first reactions and thoughts on a Nuke’s Top5 ghost video
Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vStNkklZv6E
Nuke’s Top5: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBnbnH7DGXT9yBBVFbZeIwQ
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Please reation adventure jassim
5 scary ghost videos that WILL CREEP YOU OUT from 3 months ago this one for sure will get us viewers laughing 🤣sorry in advance
You trimmed your beard and hair and y'all soo hot 😍 those jaw lines❤❤❤
Yeah, He has some weird little clips in his older videos. Can't wait for the next ghost video and the next Daily Duppy.
When will be my turn for my suggestion?
PM: Pls,don´t give away you´re kids on the first chance xD everytime they see a ghost he gives them just away and makes some new xD
Top 5 favorite reaction youtubers
I'm not going to spam links again, (because that was annoying) so just saying hope you enjoyed.
Oh Heeeellll Yeeeaaaahhh