In episode two of Hacking the Apocalypse, Claire Reilly looks at the risk of an all-out nuclear war and tours a Cold-War era missile silo that’s now a luxury escape bunker.
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Love Canada…💯👀❗🔛👍😎
Lmao this idiot really thought this was a good idea, prolly wouldn't even be able to get into the facility if some disastrous really happened.
Never be used
if it's already the end of the world? what is the need of a bunker?
Good point and group people levels.
So I supose all the people who can set off nuclear weapons will have places like this to cower in with their friends and family and live a normal life underground until its safe to pop their heads out to check out the mess they have made of planet earth the filthy rich will also have underground homes with maids and butlers people to make life easier underground, probably with doctors and shrinks to help them cope.
How many days till the residents start fighting and killing each other?
It was built to take a 10kt explosion with the isolation of the pipes, and the floors and springs on the lights. Dont think the solid floors and concrete will hold up to that. Likely see that pool falling on the floors below if that happened.
As long as it is possible it will happen
it's called doomsday because it is the end of the world, regardless of how much money you put into your bunker when the time comes, it's here to take everybody out.
For the rich to survive first they have to get to the silo which is in the countryside, guess where they are,the city of course. When the s–t hit the fan they have to get out of the city and so is everyone else. They probably won't make it.
They're successful drug dealers
all new, and not proven grow equipment……haha
haha, the world might be ending and they want a pool and luxury…..they wont have a clue what to do when supplies run out. this is funny.
They know what will happen because they are in charge of it. I don't think it's anything to do with nuclear weapons but unsure of what is actually going to be the threat to send them underground. They've all got one so it's safe to assume that something is going to happen.
This would be a good place for a post apocalyptic movie
Some country someday will unleash the deadly nuclear bomb..be afraid…be very afraid!!!
Sadly for the super rich and not for the average person since they apparently matter more than us in a life-death situation.
How is he an expert in nuclear winters? Has the world ever experienced any? Has he ever studied or experienced one?
Surviving a nuke is about as pointless as a pill of longevity .imagine when You are 90 years old no teeth , no hair , no libido , partially blind and deaf ,them coming out with a way to keep you alive like that forever ..
I don't need this Survival Bunker Because I'll be survive through Atom bomb,nuclear War,Apocalypse etc,If i am an Professional Cameraman.Lmeo
Self made… riiiggghhhhttttt
Bidet it is… Washing dirty butt holes with water is always the best
Being ah diabetic. If nuclear ☢️ war does come. I’d be at home 🏡 with my family engorging in all the cakes 🍰 and sweets 🍫 I havant eaten in years🤪and down it with some Patron 🥂cheers
Are you allowed to move in if you buy one of these or do you have to wait for a disaster?
White people wanna out live us so bad 🤣🤣🤣
I wonder who told these precious rich people that it is a good thing for them to survive when truth be told they are the most useless people in the world.
whack em when they dare to come outside
Thats good to know that while there's people rock climbing and swimming ill be dead or starving
He just told its in Kansas…going beneath Kansas
Also is there a floor for maintenance workers for when all this ish breaks
lol what’s gonna happen when those doors break
It's so secretive. That's its located in Kansas.
Most of us can heardly afford to pay our rent.
I will pour gasoline down the vents and toss in flare.
I'm 30! No I'm not:-D
Like allways, life is for the rich people, not he poor