Scary Ghosts Sightings Caught On Camera – Part 2
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Welcome to Top 10 Central DARK. This is the Scary Ghosts Sightings Caught On Camera – Part 2. This is where we react to the scariest content out there. We are going to be doing horror, Top 10 list videos, Jump Scares, Try Not To Scream, Try Not To Jump challenge videos on this channel. Do you believe in ghosts? You certainly will after this spooky video.
Click Here For Part One:
#Scary #Top10 #Top10Scary #Horror #JumpScare #Top10Central #Top10CentralDark #ghosts #ghostsighings #hauntedhouse #ghost #caughtoncamera #paranormal #unsolved #scaryvideos #scaryvideo #scaryreddit #redditscary
Keegan Hughes https://www.instagram.com/k33gan
Lindsay Ivan: https://www.instagram.com/lindsay_ivan/
Edited By:
Shreshth Singh: https://www.instagram.com/avisionoftomorrow/
Have you ever encountered a ghost?
That's 3 minutes I will never get Back?
I actually enjoy the videos more with these two paired together
Demons haunt places where evil things have happened.
Demons can take many forms.
We don’t live in a matrix.
Please, pray for everyone.
Ghost Hunters …..
The Opera 🎼 👻 🎶 👀 🎵👻
🎼 I see a Ghost 🎵 Where a Ghost 🎶There a Ghost 🎵 .
I think Keegan and Lindsay have to get stoned before these vids 🤣
You guys are way too young to know Grease songs 😂
I think they actually make a great duo!
0:05 You dumbasses. That girl fell down from the building.
Old videos. Atleast your faces don’t take up the whole screen in this one all the time. Better. If you’re playing the video I don’t need your face in the picture.
That first one was a suicide. Since the camera was so low to the ground, you don't see the body falling until it hits. I've seen many videos like this on a website that features rather morbid, true vids. The guy was very lucky the body didn't land on him or he would have died from the impact, too.
I like so much your bloopers more than the creepy videos.Its funny
Keegan is my 2020 and 2021 furry spirit animal !
The one in the church is a cutout from a movie
Where is our bloopers marathon? It "NEEDS" to happen.
Does anyone else think that Keegan and Lindsay look like they could be siblings???
Zack Efron as Keegan, Emma Watson as Lucy, Anna Kendrick as Joce, and Ryan Reynolds as Jarred. Top 10 Central Dark: The Musical
The first one reminds me of GTA games.
Pre-order now for this spring's hot new album "Linds and Keegs Sings All the Top 10 Central Hits"! Contains TEN smash hits including "Ghost Dance In the Driveway" and "Why So Many Shadow People". The first 100 orders will receive a limited special edition containing FIVE Top Scary bonus tracks featuring Lucy Queen of Darkness McPhee. Don't delay! Order now!
*edited for autocorrect correction
The second clip somthing says get out when the figure popes up
Is that Keegans twin sister?
I would like to be Canada right now. 🙁
I heard where there is an age limit for entry, maybe my spawn can escape to y’all for a better life.
I end up watching Lindsay instead 😍
No offence to Lindsay, I really like her too, however, where has Lucy been?
Hey Lindsey, get any closer to the cam and well be able to see how you nose hairs are part on one side….
You're not Lucy
Turn Star Wars Donny and Marie. Now there's " Lindsey and Keegan "
Lindsay and Keegan very Musical!!🤟🤟🤟🤟
Allegedly the first one is sadly said to be of a lady who took her own life by jumping from a building. Not a glitch at all unfortunately x