Scary tornado touchdown in Richmond, Virginia |richmond tornado march 31 2022 |virginia tornado 2022

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Scary tornado touchdown in Richmond, Virginia |richmond tornado march 31 2022 |virginia tornado 2022
#storm #scary_tornado #tornado
Tornado sirens here in the Richmond, VA area!
A #Funnel becomes a #tornado when it touches ground. #NBC29 #SevereWeather #VAwx
At least a Funnel Cloud seen today in the #Richmond, #Virginia area early this Thursday afternoon. #vawx

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About the Author: Admin


  1. On further investigation; I see a large ship cloaked in a triangle shape made by some cloaking technique using dark particles. The ship may be a large saucer with windows or vents. This craft is either making the tornado or trying to neutralize/weaken it. Take pic of paused screen with another device. The combination of the lenses expose more detail. I am just using rudimentary devices so someone with advanced photo analyzing program can see more. Open your eyes nothing will help you see beyond the veil put in front of you.

  2. ALLAHU AKBAR SUBHANALLAH. There is No God other than Allah and Muhammad is his Servant and messenger prophet of Allah May peace and blessings be upon prophet Muhammad Salla Allahu aleyhi wa Salam. Jesus he is not God. Jesus he is prophet of Allah May peace and blessings be upon Jesus prophet of Allah. If you want to know more about your creator almighty Allah Read the Quran. Allah tells us in the Quran indeed we have made the Quran easy to understand and to remember. Say it. Believe it. Trust in Allah the Quran will be made easy for you.

  3. I live in Richmond. The sirens happened..but there wasn't any reports about a tornado touchdown. This video was mainly talking about other states.

  4. Do you know this truth?

    1. The clouds of the sky from all over the world are
    coming down to the earth more and more every day.

    2. The sun and moon in the sky are super moon and
    super sun every day.

    3. If you look closely at the sunrise and sunset,
    you can see the pink sky.

    4. The chemical components of Chemtrail are spraying
    like crazy in the sky around the world.

    5. If you look closely at the moon now, the moon is rotating.

    Yeshua is coming very soon. – Yeshua Coming –

  5. My husband reminded me it is tornado season when we received Tornado warning alerts yesterday. Years ago, on April 1st, a tornado ๐ŸŒช ripped through Hanover county in Central Virginia and destroyed family property. The sad thing was a husband went next door to check on his dad, and when he tried to leave, the tornado winds blew him back in the house. When he could finally leave, he was devastated to find his home, wife and their newborn child had been swept away by the Tornado. It was heartbreaking. Tornados are unpredictable. On one side of the street homes are destroyed, while on the other side nothing is touched, but heir impact on lives and property are tragic.

  6. Wait I live in Richmond va and didn't hear or read about a Toronto. Usually we have that alert on TV. I'll be damned. I glad nobody was hurt

  7. ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉcondoldgensis

  8. After hearsts runaway 18-wheeler flew over d road like a tornado to hit my car, I was hospitalized unconcious with brokened face, chest and leg, hearsts men and insurance men came to disturb me and behaved aggressively, prompting Dr Parameswara to tell me tt I wld be killed after my discharge from d hospital. Reaching my apt in crutches, I was attacked by my neighbor. A month later, 2 Kkk became my neighbors and said: "We moved here from S Carolina and had harmed many Asians there. We will succeed in killing u one day." At first I discovered that they had brokened into my apt using master key to add drugs/poison into my medication/drinks. As I managed to foil them, they then terrorised me daily and wld come after midnight to punch my ewhile shouting profanities and threats to kill me. After a while, I found my door split into two and decided to tell them tt there was no reason to terrorise me as I was a student and wld return to Singapore soon and moreover, the police wld arrest them if they shld harm me. They laughed and told me tt they were big and strong, supreme race, superpower who built up d USA and liked burning crosses and adored Hitler altho Christians like me and since I had given trouble to America for meeting with an accident, they were entitled to give me shit and show me no mercy as I was also alone, very weak, powerless and helpless. Feeling very downcast, I walked away but decided to eavesdrop and overheard them planning to put something into my petrol tank to break my neck in another accident. They expressed great anger tt my my neck failed to break when hit by hearsts 18-wheeler. (A kkk from Texas had told me tt he knew d 3 churches I attended and wld tell d churches tt I was a bad person). 2 nights later, I caught them prying my petrol tank and called d police. Nothing was done and they then pushed me down d staircase and broke my face again with relentless punching until Jennifer, a 12 year old girl living across d street rushed out to call d police. 3 white policemen came to scold me for not cleaning up my bloodied face and then asked for d race. 2 policemen burst out laughing in great glee and joy and left without saying another word. Seeing tt they had failed to kill me secretly, America then changed its tactics to get me killed by d authorities as in d story of Patty Hearst. At d Harris County Court, a black giant Gestapo constable strangled and choked me and carried me into jail for no reason. D pain was excruciating and I still suffer pain since 1987, and I thought tt AdolpAmerica had succeeded in breaking my neck. I was in great distress inside d jail thinking tt AdolpAmerica had kidnapped me to send me to the gas chamber like what they did to d 6 million Jews. Eventually, judge Alex Green brought me out but ignoring d CCTV footage, instructed d constables to frame 3 false charges to lock me up again. As I was a very diligent student who took heavy course loads and had won 3 competitive scholarships, I soon graduated with triple honors and returned to Singapore to resume my job as a prison officer and lay pastor. I love God and people and so preached d Bible twice a day after work at 2 prisons and ministered deliverance to demonised prisoners. At around d age of 15 years old, Dr James Hanam, superintendent of d Brethren Sunday School told me tt God has chosen me to give me his great power for me to bring great judgments and punishment on d earth for it's sins and evil. Then around 1978, Dr Wesley Hurst told me tt God has chosen me and when he placed his hand atop my head, d Holy Spirit rushed mightily into me and I became gifted. While attending a charismatic service at St Andrews Cathedral in 1980, d Hand of God like a flame and 3 balls of fire came into me in d presence of Bishop Chiu who acknowledged that I was chosen. My health succumbed to d great traumas and poisoning inflicted on me by America and thus, I had to be medically retired. In 1989, I therefore borrowed money to fly back to Houston to seek insurance claim. One day before d trial, America used a pickup with giant wheels to press d back of my car which flew over 3 lanes but did not hit any other vehicles. D next day, during d trial, d lawyer for Hearst falsely called me a Japanese-singaporean and that I shld not be given justice as Hearst was their employer. D court returned d verdict tt it was my fault tt Hearst's 18-wheeler flew and thus, I was not entitled to claim insurance. Jay Young, my ex-housemate and church friend then told me tt he was instructed to tell me tt I shld not tell others about what they did to me or America will send assasins to singapore to kill me. Around d year 2005, several Tibetans tried to kill me. I saw in YouTube tt America had trained 5000 Tibetans as CIA agents to deal with Asians especially Chinese. Although my faith in God had become as small as a mustard seed due to d unbearable pains, I remembered God's strength and tt God is just and my helper against my enemy, d USA and thus prayed. God then sent Dr Wayne Clark from S California to pray for me and a stream of fire flowed into me – Dan 7 verse 10. God added d fire to d golden censer (me) and OVERTURNED it on d earth as in Rev 8. Golden CENSER is thus symbolic of faith in God thru prayers undergoing fiery trials. God gave me a vision similar to Ez 9 and gifted me with d 6 weapons/angels: wind, water, fire, earth, pestilences and wars(judges 9, 911, shaking of chariots of land, sea, air, under d sea and vehicles and d bases such as Clark's AB and Subic NB and Lyndon AB by hurricane Michael. Zerrubabbel shakes d heaven and earth and d chariots by d Spirit of God). I saw God wielding an Axe devastating Man/USA and God told me to command disasters on d USA until compensation paid as his Hand will fight for me against d USA. But while God was axing Man/USA, Man/USA was relaxing indifferently, murmuring and arguing with God and d axings progressively become more and more, faster and faster, harder and harder until suddenly, Man/USA split as wide as d ocean. I searched d Bible and found this symbolism used in Jeremiah regarding d destruction of Israel by Babylon: "your wounds gape as wide as d ocean, it cannot be healed.". God also asked me to read deuteronomy showing tt USA is cursed in d City, cursed in d country for doing injustices to strangers and touching God's anointed king. Like David who was anointed king 3 times, I have been anointed thrice with d anointing of Called, Chosen and Faithful to become a heavenly king, Army of Heaven to strike down d evil nations (monsters great red dragons committing monstrous moral distortions). Commanding, Fire of God produced EMW came forth to carry my commands, form a picture and activated d disasters on d dates I chose, d firsts were hurricane Hugo and St Francisco EQ but for Chinatown to stand. Ordinary fire/electricity can also produce EMW to carry sound and picture but only reproduced in TV. God is a living, eternal consuming fire whose EMW (Hand) can create good or evil – Isaiah 45. USA fulfilled d prophecy of Obadiah to break d eternal covenant of brotherly love made with God thru d shed blood of Jesus Christ. D covenant requires d blood of Americans (Ephraim) to be shed – Isaiah 24. It's d nature of blood covenant. God d faithful one fulfills d prophecy of Psalms 18 to make me into David to turn d USA into dust. Time is short to restore d covenant by heeding Micah 6:8. FOR WHAT U DO TO OTHERS WILL BE DONE TO U.

  9. Liers !!! the demonic fallen angels doing all this weather and using there technology ( demonology ) and lightning is using devil minion teslas frequency weapons and plasma energy not deceiving me !!!)

  10. The first tornado that went through Richmond was about a mile or two from where I live and I watched it go from the west to the northeast. If it had touched down and stayed down it would have been big.

  11. Didn't look like a tornado to me, just a wall cloud. You couldn't even see any rotation from the only part of the video that wasn't a still picture. While a tornado warning was issued by the NWS at 8:46pm, it was cancelled at 9pm. There was no confirmed reports of tornadoes in VA.

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