A collision involving more than 40 vehicles closed a portion of Interstate 81 in Pennsylvania and sent more than a dozen people to area hospitals on Monday, according to the Schuylkill County Office of Emergency Management.
The crash in northeast Pennsylvania happened around 10:30 a.m. and John Blickley, the deputy emergency management coordinator for the agency, said officials believe a snow squall clouded visibility and likely contributed to the accident. About 40 vehicles including multiple tractor-trailers were involved in the initial crash, he said.
READ MORE: https://6abc.com/pennsylvania-highway-crash-video-interstate-81-i-81-pileup-truck/11687690/
The guy filing/commenting this is concerned about his charger?!?! Moron!
Why is this sped up??
A CB radio could have provided early warning for much of this. Channel 19 folks. I can't understand why these idiots drive fast in snow squalls. They should drop to 40 – 50 MPH or get off the road entirely.
This guys is upset about his car while people are being hit and killed?
Why are people so stupid!!! You all deserve that and then some! When it snows you all need to drive slow!
Nah, we don’t need winter tyres – we use all season tyres.
Nie ostrzegają się w taką pogodę?
To jest ta inteligentna cywlizacja?
Wysiada z auta i czeka na koniec świata….
U nas jest przymus posiadania trójkąta i kamizelki odblaskowej
U nich jest wymóg żeby wysiąść z auta i call 911
Reszta niech umiera….. przepisowo …
Dropping instantly from sub normal cruising speed to 10mph whether it was poor traction or just a conscientious choice because of the visibility is probably what caused the first chain reaction because obviously the people behind weren't on the same page. Becareful with that way of thinking as you can see It's not just you on that highway. Find a nearest exit and wait it out if you feel uneasy or your vehicle is ill-equipped for Pennsylvania weather.
Lets be honest 99.9% of these drivers are certified SPEDS Along with most of these comments…
Lets be honest 99.9% of these drivers are certified SPEDS
And this is why Southerners stay off the road in these kinds of conditions. People laugh at us for closing down when it snows but Northerners supposedly know how to drive in it. Just saying. Prayers for the families of the deceased and for those injured.
Is your were driving fast in this type of weather you deserve to die.. people are idiots
Shame the loud mouth didn't get squashed.
murica could use some driving education
This must be the new trailer for Fast & Furious 9: Snow Glide.
This is sped up to 2x speed.
All those lives lost. You hear crash after crash and this clown sounds like he's laughing when his car is hit?
Why do you insist of twice speed? Normal video speed is so much better.
Those person is so unhelpful. Did he call an ambulance? No. A total creep.
I mean, come on, look at the speed these people were going! Some people have mr Hankey for brains!!!!!
Death trap…it's the middle of spring, have snow….mix season like the bible said…it's sad people life gone
They know better in a place like that! This isn’t the Texas pileup where they aren’t used to these conditions.. it’s ridiculous. One car started all this!
Lol that's commentary
It’s not shocking. These people are not smart. These people think they do not have to take weather into consideration. Everything is about them. Nothing shocking about it.
The ladder of stupidity has no bottom rung. Hope they were all wearing masks…
Keep repeating the same mistake is sign of stupidity..
Lol, why fast forward the video? make it look more dramatic? ^_^. When you people driving cars can't see, why do you continue at the same speed? just because thats what the sign says? lol
That swift driver never cn it comin hits with such force
I would have went deep into the jungle. This moron was standing right there video recording
Lets drive 10 above the speed limit while there is 3 inches of snow on the ground and we cant see 20 feet ahead of us then blame the state for not maintaining the road…….
Holy Shitoles Batman !! Get a load of that Bad-A$$ MuthaTrucka driving that super sized semi tractor trailer tow truck!!! Its Clearly not his first rodeo because he’s slaloming in & out of vehicles between the road edge & snowbank like he’s a precog variant of Mario Andretti behind the wheel of an F1! Friggin amazing !
Wow………people died in this an he thinks its humorous…. even though he likely didn't know at the time that people died, common sense and care would tell you this is far from funny. Humanity is screwed.
Cameraman is standing way too close, I would have backed up way into the woods
Nothing here shocking..
Can't fix stupid.
Who were the victims that were killed
The 2nd car that skidded up the embankment (missing the 1st car), was really only traveling at about 15-20mph which is why they easily avoided the collision. This video was speeded up to make it seem like they were traveling way faster than they really were. And that car that looks like it was doing 100, was going normal speed, but again this video was edited to make it seem more exciting.
This video is a little bit fake. These cars were not really going this fast. Look up the video from KHOU. You can see that the vehicles were moving MUCH slower than what is depicted here. And with full audio in the KHOU video, you can tell that it's the real deal.
❤ 🙏
There was snow and poor visibility, so they slowed down to 60 mph.
Again I say, People need to get out of the vehicle and away from them. You could get traped inside the vehicle and killed.
Did y'all not catch the story this storm hit pretty suddenly and I think a lot of these people were caught off guard yeah they were going too fast for the conditions but they didn't know they were coming into it either so that you know maybe cut him a little slack some people died bad things happen
That's how Americans normally drive.