18-pound cat was scared of teeny kitten until he decided to be her dad
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I'd have been a total foster failure and adopted them both myself, lol.
Foster Broken Heart Syndrome hurts like hell.😢
At least the two of them got to stay together and didn't have to separate
Honestly what an easy adopt lmao. I'm surprised you didn't get more.
I am not sure if they are gonna mate?
LOVE THE VIDS…but as someone who studies Animal psychology….this is is all human interpretation of love and too much is actually dangerous. these are great vids and stuff but not realistic and should never be interepreted as such as these are senstational vids
I love it that Arnold and his baby kitten were able to go to their forever dream home together! Thank goodness for fosters and adopters!
Him protecc!
Arnold is such a big boy
I have the exact same cat, weight, adoptive tendencies, and all. Just long-furred. He’s a sweet boy.
2:24 "I love you so much" yeah right 😤 if you didn't keep them then animals are just a business for you. Some people are disgusting
Bonded pairs are wonderful ! Congratulations 🎊 to the adopter of Dora & her "daddy," Mr. Arnold.
I have to admit it, My wife and I are foster failures!!!!! We rescued an injured cat and took him to a rescue shelter. They treated his injuries and asked us to foster him for a month because they didn’t have any room for him at the time. We already had two cats and weren’t looking for another one. “Tommy” worked his way into our hearts and has been with us for 3 and a half years thus far. We are his fur-ever home!!!!!! In the meantime, one of our females died of cat asthma. We had never heard of it before she died of it…. We adopted an 8 week old ‘girl’ that we named Annie to replace Piddles, our girl that died. Come time to be spayed we found out Annie was really Danny. Our one pound kitty is now a year old and 13 pounds. Tommy was a good sized cat, but Danny is much larger. Looks kinda like a Norwegian Forrest Cat….. Hopefully he doesn’t get quite that big but he can stand on his back paws and his head is just below the counter top in the kitchen….. He’s 38 inches long now nose to the end of his tail….
From his cheeks, it's clear that Arnold is a tomcat (or was, until psycho-surgical do-gooders got hold of him). Contrary to popular opinion, tomcats have a calm that other cats lack, and are usually very gentle with kittens, almost seeming timid. Arnold's behavior is pretty much textbook. But, yes, very cute. She has a big protector, now. Tomcats don't just defend their territory against challengers, but also against things that threaten cats (e.g. they'll see off foxes); they have a strong, protective instinct. Arnold clearly got to develop that instinct, and has taken on the task of protecting her.
curious question here… has anyone else been noticing that its become quite difficult to find cat food at the supermarket, or any other stores really for that matter? here in louisville ky theres seems to be a severe shortage of cat food, but theres been no mention of it at all on any news or media channels. theres plenty of dog food, but the shelves are bare im the cat food aisle..just curious if anyone else is having the same issue or if its just local.
That was a surprise… I thought Arnold was her permanent cat 😿
he is the spitting image of my 2yo cat Salem
I'm grateful for you guys fostering. I don't know that I could ever let Arnold go.
this same thing happened to me My family Adopted A Black Stray It took months to get him to be friendly and we had a brown/black cat before we adopted the black cat and he always went up to the new black cat and a lot of times they would walk around the house but when a human moves he will just flee and after he became friendly they just washed eachother slept together They Went to outside with eachother they are inseperatble And to this day they do this and are best friends
You are realising that you all ready adopt this 2 cats no need to take them to another adootion
There is NO WAY that I could ever foster cats or dogs. I would want to keep them all. People who can foster are on another level of altruism.
Arnold looks like Sylvester
I couldn't 💘 💘 💘 give them away to someone else. I become too attached toanimals.
I love the happy ending. So cute together.
This would have been a foster fail for me and then some. There is no way I could have let either of them go.
I fostered but finally had to give in because they became one big happy cat family. I had to stop taking them in but gave the ones I had the best home I could. 2015 was a difficult as 5 of the 8 all died at 15 years leaving all the younger cats.
He's so handsome and kind
Yes, "I love you so much" but I have to let you go……because that's my American way….oh yeh…