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Cool reactions 👊😍
How can she see IR camera
Those who get creeped out together stay together luv y'all
Every time you say it is a person or a puppet when it seems to realistic like someone in the dress pass in distance remember that demons or evil spirit can shape shift they can take a look of a real person they can materialize they dont have to bi invisible it can look like live person i now some things about that stuff and i had expirience my self i use to call ghosts go on abandoned places i even had weird things in my home like glasses fall down from my shelf with no reason or knocking at my apartment door after midnight but there was no one out or things crash in my closet like everything colapsed like shelf hitting the floor but when i open the closet everything was normal this stuff is real but off course many of these videos are hoaks i agree for your who are skeptic belive my there are real stuff also i had a lot things happend with no logic explinatiton where i was terryfied shakin from fear
11:03 That grandma is not alive normal This is 100% full presence ghost. Why she is ghost ?
1. She has NO shadow.
2. Her eyes has NO sparkle.
3. Her body looks like floating , looks no weight , looks pale.
Maybe she is watching on her own coffin.
I like how her husband is a skeptic and he was like "Idk how to explain this".
the 10 person who dislikes this need a life
13:15 To me it looks like a cat sticking out its head, or some other little animal.
Ive always felt the possibility of it being a actual person is far more scary. Ppl are scary.
Watch top 5 scary videos that u can't unsee
I am between sceptic and believer. Openmind and Observe and Research. Especially we are living in the world that some can be faked with the technology unlike the old era i live. See and experience to believe. That is the only way. My own opinion. 👍
I appreciate your breakdown of the security guard. Real good discussion there!
For that first video I think it’s just something simple like a tile pattern on the back wall and it’s just the way she moves the camera makes it look like someone moving back
Hey watch arab adventurer alaa,jasim videos they are real100%
The old lady in the cemetery could have been a person with dementia not knowing what she's doing or visiting a relative. 🤔🤔🤔
When I first saw this and he sees the elderly woman my 1st thought was librarian from the original Ghostbusters movie. I waited and waited, but nope it didn't happen. Alittle disappointed it didn't happen, but his videos are amazing so I'll keep watching until it does.
Frank's "investigation" would have been more convincing with a camera left on the chair, facing outward as he left. You have no idea how many people he might have had with him.
For some reason the ghost videos from abroad especially from older cultures just hit different
If i saw an old lady in the cemetary in the middle of the night id run too. I mean i wouldnt be there to begin with lol
The first one… if you look at the way the door opens, and the width of the divider. Where would something step to… the tp dispenser is on the other side..meaning the door opens flush to the divider wall.. yes?
Omar gosh rivals that other guy for the best paranormal youtuber you guys should check him out does a lot of creepy stuff and exploring alone or in groups
Yea have fun goin up to some random person sitting in a dark sematary if you want to. I don't know what kinda help she would need if you say hello and she just stares at you 😂
She looks like a gta custom character
Wait this is ligit the second video I'm watching on this channel and I got so confused when she said this is my husband 😂 and the I went and watched it again they were different people I thought she had two husband's 😂😂