Hello everyone, welcome. make sure to like and share.
A stray kitten was rescued by a stranger who saw it laying under a tree and decided to take it to a vet, who removed a huge botfly from its little head. and his making a recovery.
Other videos:
a cat finds out her mom is pregnant.
a really friendly lion wants to be petted.
Poor Teddy Guinea Pig Has Dirty Ears
This channel is inspired by big channels like:
The dodo, Strange incident, daily dose of internet, Funny Animals’ Life
and many more animal/pet channels.
after the removal, the poor cat was able to breathe normal again.
i collect pets and animals video being rescued and saved.
and make a 2 minute video long of cute, funny and heartwarming animal rescues.
For the love of animals. Pass it on.
#rescue #thedodo #animals #dog #cat #kitten #puppy
how are you?
Thankyou for saving this furbays life how is kitty now after bot fly
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Obrigada por tirar essa coisa do gatinho