We wish to inform you Ghost’s new album IMPERA is out now. Buy & stream it here: https://found.ee/Ghost_IMPERA
Directed by Matt Mahurin
Starring Ruby Modine
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#Ghost #CallMeLittleSunshine #MusicVideo #IMPERA
Music video by Ghost performing Call Me Little Sunshine. © 2022 Loma Vista Recordings., Distributed by Concord.
This is NOT the voice i was expecting with this music lol but hey im vibing
Is that cowsep??
very good very nice
I’ve never wanted to punch somebody in the face more.
Love this so much! 100% props to Metallica and the $5.98 ep from 1987. I knew this song had a familiar sound…..I was 13 when the $5.98 ep dropped. Best song on the album was "The Small Hours" Definitely influenced this song! Listen and you'll see…. Love it rock on!
Didn't realise ghost support liverpool fc YNWA
The best band in world!🤍🤍🤍
Ghost the gayest band in history fucking trash.
I like ghost but the visuals in this video are f*cking awful
Ghost sounds like if the game Castlevania made music. And not like the creators of the game, or the people who did the music for the franchise, I mean if the game itself became its own conscious sentient entity and wrote music. I love it so
That guitar at 1:27 …
Call me Little Sunshine. A quote from Aleister Crowley.
classic rock is back!
You just did not give the number, I would call. M
I had no idea you existed until Kimmel. I'm excited to see you having success on this side of the ocean after so many years.
This song is looping in my mind LOVE IT! Another brilliant album. Thank you Tobias.
This should be deprecated and officially replaced with the Kimmel performance.
This song derives heavily from "Veteran of the Psychic Wars" by Blue Oyster Cult. Especially the prominent drum beat. The BOC song is here on YouTube; check it out….
Call me Meff.
All Rise.
We have gathered here to celebrate this epic masterpiece.
My first experience with Ghost. I had seen the crazy undead pope dude in pics, but never actually heard a song until this one. Didn't care for it at first but wow, something keeps bringing me back again. On a side note, the live version from the Kimmel show was amazing also, I might actually like that one better with the female backing vocals.
16-Year-Old Me: "Ghost is garbage why would anyone want to listen to them?"
21-Year-Old Me: "Ghost is AMAZING and EVERYONE needs to listen to them!"
The Greatest Gift is Knowledge!
The photography is simply mesmerizing. Perfectly compliment the song.
What a great EMO band…
No paro de escucharlo
Fucking miss you lil one💜🌻💜 i love you KENNEDY LEIGH
Gentle relaxing metal, unless you watch the video!! Love it!
In this number, drugs are equated with the devil, drugs are at our fingertips: all you have to do is call; 'light up in the middle of the day." Even the video has the woman lighting up as her life goes downhill – literally. Then she ODs and dies only to cross the river Styx at the end and walk into hell. Her life was hell because of drugs and now she will spend eternity there. Tobias is quite the trickster – love it……
Look at everything James Hetfield created. He has inspired so many.
I noticed the album cover has a heavy Alister Crowly influence. The image there does the same pose.
oh no the sausage train derailed that'll cause a lot of blueberries but will the iron cupcake be conquered by that one devil getting her little man in the boat wet enough to squirt if he does i highly doubt their drinking tea in the morning or making waffles.
just found out about new album
Классная песня. Узнал у группе когда она была на разогреве у металики в 2019
Isso é só para quem desacreditou do ghost mais de 6 milhões de visualizações 😉🇸🇪♥️
This has to be one of the finest rock songs of the 21st century
When you’ve read the German book Faust and turn your head to the music after he sing the name Mephistopheles 😇
I have been here a long time, and u have yet to see any ghosts. Your color blindness script only goes so far hiding your inept asses.