After weeks of heavy fighting in Kyiv’s suburbs, residents who had been in hiding returned to the streets to find damage and carnage — land mines, bullet holes and corpses.
On April 4 and 5, video journalists from The New York Times entered the towns of Bucha, Borodianka and Hostomel to talk with witnesses and document the aftermath of the Russian occupation.
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🕊️🌍🇺🇦🌍🕊️Спи спокійно Гнів, відчай, вир плачу, Жертви геноциду Вічна душа Щоб знову народитися в цьому світі На вічній землі Україні Будувати свободу і мир🕊️❤️🕊️
Ah yes My 3rd "Once in a lifetime crisis"
Ill never understand how humans will choose war over peace.
Usa pls send more weapon to Ukraine and so more Ukrainian will die … famine will come soon in Europe
The deliberate massacres of civilian population and the destruction of civilian infrastructure by Putin's Bolshevik Russia strongly resemble the military crimes of Stalin's Bolshevik Russia during the WWII. It is clear that these two regimes, Putin's and Stalin's, have the same nature – Bolshevism.
Note to the Russian bots and trolls accusing Ukraine supporters of being bots and trolls:
There are no Ukranian bots. Only Russia pays bots to spam nonsense.
Like volunteer fighters. Ukraine draws them by the thousands to fight for practically nothing. Russia must hire well-paid mercenaries from Syria.
We do it for love. Love of freedom, and a brave people defending their own.
You do it for money.
Now, here is some free spam. Tell us if any part of this is false: Go ahead, you can speak out, this is not Putin’s Russia:
Afghan, Iraq, Lybia
You do know that the invasion of Afghanistan was 100% according to international law, right? (Unlike the Soviet Union’s earlier invasion – but that’s another topic). Afghanistan was hosting a terror organization that had killed thousands of people in the US — and refused to hand them over. That means it was 100% legal to invade, depose the government, and hunt down the members of that terror organization.
We can argue whether it was smart to do so — I think it was. We can argue whether it was competently done — I don't think it was. What we can't argue about is the legality of it.
Iraq in 1990/91? Completely ok. Iraq had invaded Quwait. A large coalition (35+ countries) were behind it + there was a UN mandate. There was a UN mandate that backed the no-fly zones after the war.
Iraq in 2003? More debatable. The weapons of mass destruction weren't there (and we had reason to suspect that- but Saddam had been using them till recently). On the other hand, Iraq was violating the no-fly zones, which actually was a casus belli. It got rid of Saddam Hussein (a very good thing!) but on the other hand, it destabilized the country and even led to the creation of ISIS. Maybe worth it, to stop an aggressive dictator sitting on most of the world’s oil. Cause the Saudis were next.
Libya? Backed by a UN mandate due to a civil war (Arab Spring). Nice to get rid of a nasty dictator. Not so nice that the ensuing power vacuum meant the civil war would continue on and off for a decade. There is currently a ceasefire but no real resolution of the war. But the Libyans wanted to oust Quadaffi, and they got the help they asked for. They are now mismanaging their own affairs.,
Don’t you wish your Russia had that kind of UN support?
Instead, UN delegates walk out on your lying officials when they speak. I never saw anything like it.
Ukraine is a strong and free country! we are fighting for the future of Europe! the civilized world will defeat Russian aggression! #putinhitler#stoprussia
new video from Bucha with evidence of military atrocities https://youtu.be/J38r3-v0BqU
PUTIN is pure evil, I really hope he gets a bad end.
what Russia did was wrong and has received so many sanctions, but Israel did the same thing and they didn't get the same reaction from most countries.
A nation of cowards .
The barbarism of Hitlers army is being repeated now with Putins.SLAVA UKRAINI may they rise from the ashes like a Phoenix.🇺🇦🙏🇺🇦🙏🕯🕯🕯🕯
“War is a racket.” -General Smedley Butler, 1935.
So sad and horrific , Putin you are so wrong for this world
distroy russia, there is no need for these vermin
Urgently! Mariupol. A catastrophe for NATO: what does the capture of US General Cloutier give for Russia?
so what USA destroy so many country and killing millions of innocent people ….. this war is also belongs to USA but Ukrainian pays the price i am so sorry for that but USA will pay the price what they are did for all of us until to day
Я всегда не сразу решаюсь публиковать такие материалы, но мир должен видеть истинное лицо украинского нацизма. Украинские социальные сети распространяют это фото и смеются над трупом русского солдата. Однако, если присмотреться, то можно заметить, что русского солдата приковали цепями к стальному противотанковому ежу, после чего пытали, а потом, судя по фото, живьём подожгли. Украина – ИГИЛ в центре Европы.
It usually takes me a while to work up the nerve to publish such stuff, but the world must see the true nature of the Ukrainian Nazism. Ukrainian social networks are circulating this photo and laughing over the dead body of a Russian soldier. However, if you take a closer look, you will notice that the Russian soldier was chained to a steel "hedgehog" anti-tank obstacle, then tortured and afterwards, as it appears from the photo, he was set on fire while still alive. Ukraine embodies ISIS in the middle of Europe.
A igualdade social existe no que respeita a vida em todos os níveis de capacidade de momento; a gratuidade é o único recurso capaz de respeitar a vida em todos os níveis de capacidade de momento. Quando existe a busca por poder em que o ser humano não sabe compartilhar ou perder um pouco para que todos ganhem; existem os abusos políticos as guerras e disputas que trazem desgraças e sofrimento para as pessoas. Capitalismo e socialismo são apenas variáveis dependentes da gratuidade para efeito de igualdade social e evolução humana; essas são condições firmamentais e científicas. Eu recomendo acreditar e seguir os ensinamentos de Jesus Cristo….
Старик и ребенок держались за руки
И пошли вместе встречаться вечером
Красная пыль поднялась
И солнце светило неверным светом.
Огромная равнина, казалось, прибыла
Насколько мог видеть человеческий глаз
И кругом никого не было:
Только мрачные очертания дымовых башен
Двое шли, день выпал,
Старик заговорил и тихонько воскликнул:
С отсутствующей душой, с мокрыми глазами,
Память о прошлых мифах следовала
Старые страдают от разрушительного действия лет,
Они не могут сказать правду из снов,
Старые не знают, в своем мышлении,
Отличить ложное от истинного во сне
И сказал старик, глядя в сторону:
«Представьте, что это покрыто пшеницей,
Представьте себе фрукты и представьте цветы
И думать о голосах и думать о цветах
И в этой равнине, как далеко она заблудится,
Деревья выросли, и все было зеленым,
Дождь шел, солнца отмечены
Ритм человека и времена года»
Ребенок стоял неподвижно, взгляд был печальный,
И глаза смотрели на вещи, которых раньше не видели
И тогда он сказал старику мечтательным голосом:
"Я люблю сказки, рассказывай другим!" (Кочевники)https://youtu.be/kzxcEjQYbO4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5tgyKTL9F8 Do you know how it was done? This is footage of the preparation of false evidence that has slipped into the network. The blue ribbon on the sleeve is the badge of the Ukrainian military. Why pulled on a rope? To leave no trace. Liars.