This is the most haunted my house has ever been!! Just when I thought it was over it got extreme to the point I had to leave and head south again n hopes I can stop this once and for all! My house is haunted and there has been more than one ghost haunting my house. Ever since I had brought back haunted dolls the paranormal activity in my home has increased significantly. Ghosts were throwing a broken creepy doll around my house and making it levitate and slamming doors and breaking things in my gym room. Last time I had knives flying and my furniture was flipping around. I have documented so much paranormal activity on my vlogging camera and on my security camera too.
I took a trip to Florida to bury the dolls but there were things missing. Shortly after coming home paranormal things started so I thought I buried the dolls in the wrong place so I went back to Florida to dig up the dolls and bring them back to decide where to bury them. Shortly after things started happening and I knew it was time to make up my mind so I went to SC to bury the dolls once and for all. I had to keep thee dolls separated while at home. One int eh basement and one int he garage. I kept the rest of the doll parts in the trunk of the Tesla in a bag. Due to recent stalker situation I feel it was not a good idea to let everyone know when I was leaving and where I was going until after I got back.
Haunted Doll Brings Ghosts Back Home! GHOST CAUGHT ON CAMERA!
Haunted Doll Moves Scaring Lady Out of Her Home! Haunting Caught on Camera! https://youtu.be/eXbMG02DKCw
Haunted Doll Escapes a Locked Box and Haunts My House! Angry Ghost!
Ghosts throwing dishes around and haunting my house!
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#Ghosts #Haunted #House
I think the doll in the red dress caused this soon after I dug it back up from down south. I recently buried all the dolls down South in Florida where a haunted doll was buried then things felt wrong and I went back to dig up the dolls with plans on finding the necklace and boot before a final burial. Did the haunted dolls cause me to discover the necklace and boot so I can do a final burial once and for all or was it a demon playing tricks? I am sick of driving back and for burying and digging up and burying dolls!!! The dolls with the necklace and boot are now buried in SC. Was this the right decision? Here is a video of what I did all week! https://youtu.be/jCLj7cj2nMw Share your thoughts here!!! Stay safe!!
I noticed you eat really healthy and I sort of have to do the same since I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease I too have experienced paranormal activity as well throughout my life
Hi how are you doing today
With all due respect to the doll it’s not just her torso but also her coolie is attached to the torso
You should become a doll maker
Seeing and hearing you be happy is a beautiful thing to watch. I enjoy when you share your feelings, and are honest about how you feel. I enjoy those videos just as much as the others!
Wow dude! Finding the boot & the necklace in the torso… That's fckn insain!
Please come see cowgirl barrel
I sometimes give you a hard time but I only do it so u can see how people OTHER THAN ME think sometimes. Actually I just love you 2 death. And even more now that ur not acting STUPID like all the others are right now. I mean its not been going on that long BUT IT SEEMS like 4EVER! So Cudoes 4 being 1 of the bigger men in all this. As much as we LOVE OMAR hes even starting to act like some of the others. I'm thinking about not watching any channels at all or just Urs ,James the Fam,& Chelsea, When I've heard the wars are over them I'll go back & see how bad they've butchered it,LOL. LOVE U, DUDE,STAY SAFE and HEALTHY.
Sorry dude I give up clickbait 3 minutes and 40 seconds into thiswith the torso boot necklace all in a bundle I give up sorry buddy got to be real people see through everything
Roland you shouldn't have to defend yourself against anyone there are many people doing what your doing and not quite as good might I say, so anything you get from your patron or by mail you deserve and so much more it's your subscribers who care and love to watch your channel it's one of my favorite's and I tell everyone about your content and how great your channel is I know 2021 will be just as adventurous as 2020, Happy New Year my friend.
Take it to omar, he'll give it to patty.
I am empath and I am feel like I going to vomit the whole time you was at door .I am picking up on the energy and your feelings .that means that is very strong .to hold a door like that it takes alot of strength for a spirit or demon good or bad ghost
Make the drive and bury it!
Roland record your voice saying the Lords Prayer, PLAY IT 24/7,there is Power in that prayer!!
11:00 I heard a male voice say 'that is moving' yet Roland started to talk just as that sentence finished…I can't tell if that was Roland or not but he has tone to his voice when he's talking soft but the voice I heard didn't sound like him and there was NO tone just all whisper, plus Roland says "wait a minute" like he always does when he begins to point something out which also makes me think the 1st voice wasn't his too…Roland was that you at 11:00?????
Im happy that your happy towards the end of the video. Yay. .. Keep smiling .
Wish you the best …you can make It
Your fan from Italy Always smile and be positive a Great hug
Put a cement
How much time do you spend preparing all this nonsense? How many mates are behind the scenes to help with the pulling of strings, etc? Well it certainly gets you a lot of views and subscribers to help pay the bills……
So happy that you read the Bible I've said it before reading the Bible is really good. You CONTINUE READING the Bible you show them whos the boss it may not stop completely but if it helps stay strong things can turn a different direction but you read that Bible and you have to have faith with it put on church music out loud put your soul into that Bible. I know things will be better. I have faith in you #🙏 prayers