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About the Author: CNN


  1. The best way to find growth stocks, key features to keep in mind is as follows: 1. Ensure gross margins are greater than 50% 2. Ensure P/E ratio is less than 100 3. Buy companies that are PROFITABLE, very important irrespective of sector. 4. Debt to equity ratio is less than 30% 5. Current ratio is above 1 6. and a Float under 100 million One stock that fits the bill is……

  2. It has been a month now. We are so grateful for ALL the volunteers, food trucks, donations, electric companies and police everywhere. There is still a long way to go however, God is good all the time 🙌🏼🙌🏼

  3. I hope God has had enough of this American people crap? It's got to be a way for they crimes against humanity? Make them accountable for Afghanistan? Women and children starving in the cold? And blasphemy God Almighty saying bless us, we are empowerd by Satan? It's him that has given us our administrative privileges and governments. But will tell you to your face God is a Fiction. Sometimes I do wonder? But never question God…..NEVER!

  4. I am Joseph obi I was born in 10 may 82. I am residing at 8 Burlton road. Constantly having problem with Parkside police station in Cambridge. Racism is the only problem because I am a black man. They said they will drop bomb they use zentaser hacking software and or Samsung s7 and connected to boss speaker to transmits their propaganda to the public wireless via Bluetooth and wifi they use bose headphones to talk today in sainsbury Eddington about 1pm they were encouraging terrorism in UK by getting people to join the airforce or make friends with the airforce and get in the plane and drop bombs in UK. One of the women's number is 2242 from Austin Texas loomis police department and the other retard is from Parkside police station. Tell me guys what is the chance of getting job in airforce and drop bombs in UK and the USA. Contact the both police station to report these retards


  6. Right now tornado will destroy more everything right whoever can’t scape from tornado night not respect my time and happiness everywhere around earth I’m the only reason the earth will stay on earth if I die you can’t live anymore on earth

  7. Sad!
    Prayers for the victims.
    May peace prevail upon the survivors.
    The other side of the coin……..
    "You" turn Japan, Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, Afg; into rubble, and the "nature" turns your developed & prosperous cities into rubble.
    Introspect…. please introspect, brothers!
    Desist from waging war against God.
    God is mightier than you. Magnitude of His might is beyond your imagination.
    He keeps warning you through massive wild fire, devastating tornado, tsunami, volcano burst, massive snow storm etc. so that you (the "mighty" nations) could introspect. You're "super power" and HE
    is "Supreme Power" .
    Do you think, brothers, that Jesus was crucified for such sins of yours that inflict genocide and destruction on weaker nations ? Please take my these words as the words of one of your
    well-wishers. Thanks!
    May God the Merciful bless you by making good sense prevail upon you Americans. Amen !

  8. Thanks for this educative video and also thanks to those who recommended Rosie for her good works. Y'all have to know that making money digitally is the main key to survival now, as the government is hesitant on helping poor masses. I also recommend Rosie to people who wishes to earn hu ge proflt

  9. When u support who dose this to muslims in palastine, Iraq and Afghanistan you'll get the taste of your actions.
    GOD never forgets.
    I don't support any terrorism but God has his own ways to make none believers pay.

  10. historic in many ways, in 1801 in logan county the second great awakening broke out. it lasted several weeks and spread to near by states, the leader was james mcgready. in 1852 in logan county a methodist named george browder, a pastor, and lay man traveled in logan county and beyond, he recorded the history of the day some civil war events. in 1866 he recorded in his diary a tornado that hit the area, his olmstead house was spared, but not the farms near by, on page 206 he says the warmest winter day i ever felt,i think it was as warm as may at night, i could scarcely bear the cover on me, merciful god what a tornado, it seems to shake the very foundation of the earth, the storm fiend is howling most furiously, how the lightning glares and the thunder crashes, it seems every instant that the house will be overturned,as it quivers, and trembles in the beating blast. i leaped out of bed as the window pains were forced in, to save the house from burning as i feared the fire would be whirled all over the room, ( fireplace) we hear the crash of falling limbs we lie horror stricken in the darkness, not knowing what to do, to stay in may be desruction, to run out is hazardous, we ran up stairs to see if the children are safe, like paul once in the shipwreck we wish for the day, ( diary of george browder the heavens are weeping january 19 1866 )may the spirit of god pour out on the people of southern kentucky like it was in 1801, 1852 to 1886comfort the hearts of the people, we rebuilt in 1866, we will rebuild today, god bless kentucky.

  11. That's the same as 5000 red SUVS driving through 20 Christmas parades. BLM's member will get a award from hollyweird, Biden and Democrats for killing 6 and wounding 50 plus let's go Brandon. FJB.

  12. Some folks might say an act of God ( nature ) destroyed at least 200 miles of building,cars ,houses and left so many saddened by the priceless lives lost..If you asked me it proves once again, that some invisible unstoppable power can destroy cities and nations at will..Shocking but true..😳

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