Boat Fails and Wins 2021 – Best of The Week | Part 54
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That fire in the beginning was terrible. What the hell happened. I am very curious how these fires on boats start
Why do so many idiots think they must drive their boats onto the trailer???
The worst part about owning a boat is the idiots at the boat ramps, and every boat ramp has at least one!
At 8:40 we see the boat confiscated from that asshole Russian oligarch.
At 3:21, that was me and my sister trying to kill the Zodiac. It wasn't ours, it was a buddy's who fell out and lost control. I can't believe someone was filming this
Lithium ion batteries.
2:20–2:30, what boat and watch accessories is that to start your boat?
7:32 dutch style
Lekker man lekker 🇿🇦
7:32 – At least they saved the little green flag 🤣🤣🤣🤣
All those people giving that man a hard time. He's probably trying to learn how to load his boat. And every one of those people had to learn how as well. But back then people understood how to have patience with the inexperienced. Nowadays they don't respect themselves so how can you expect them to respect others.
Как жаль 😥
Water does not mix well with fat people, stupid people, people with spacial deficiency, alcohol, and again stupid people.
at 5:00 : this loading fail… the engine was useless at this point. using two or three lines would have been enough… stupid guys.
the first vid : this burning yacht… the firefighters had nothing more than a single pipe ? and why did they let the boat go, and certainly sink on an uncontrolled place ? no lines, no nothing… yes, it's danegrous ; yes, they could do nothing anymore ; but why let the yacht go ?
God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians chapter two)
Why set the catamaran adrift if your trying to put out the fire……
8:30 – 8:39 I'd say that was quite a bad day at the office for the skipper. Maybe even worse for the crane driver.
That ocean reef cat is bloody expensive ,what started that fire on it? It would be interrsting to know!
After seeing that Russian ice breaker at the end, I now know why we own Alaska.🤣
I sure hope there wasn't someone in that crane that got knocked into the water.
That thing sank like a brick!
7:08 God I hate those news wannabe voice-overs. sound like the real guy in the video before…
2:46 is Pt. Pleasant Canal in New Jersey. That canal has some serious fast currents.
Ohhhhhh my catamaran..
Guy jumps in the water with a knife to cut the whale free, friend on the boat yells "Cut It" three hundred times.
The first one on fire you should have just sunk to put the fire out.
omg more money then brains
Side boobage saved it
Isn't boating FUN!?!
Things you see when all out of hotdogs
Be ready for 2:20 scared the shit out of me.