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Little Sky is one of the stars of our compilation of extreme sports kids, watch the full video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF5u78G7pY4
Watch more from Sky at: https://www.youtube.com/user/stu4real/videos
Music: Cast of Lions
Im 13 and cant even do an ollie wtf
I Love you sky😍❤
Woah! Awesome is an understatement!!! Does anyone know how to contact Sky? My daughter had a skateboard accident 4 weeks ago without a helmet. She had 2 bleeds on the brain, brain surgery and was in a coma for a week. Doctors said she may not make it. She is now home and doing well, but we had a narrow escape! It's my mission to make helmet wearing normal and protect as many families as possible from going through this. Emma xx
I'm over a decade old and I can't even go on ramps yet!!
damn i'm realy not that good at skateboarding…
What happened in my childhood….I've done something wrong in my life…
To be tony hawk kid u haves to land a 1080 on a mega skate very mega street and flow but your doing good
keep skating little homie
it's little me!☺
I never had anything going for skateboards or people who use them, but this is very cute and super awesome at the same time. Almost makes me regret I never had any interest in skateboarding, which is why I can't teach my children this.
what the hek
i wish my parents drank redbull
nope no real
Lol shes 6 and she can skateboard so good! A few days ago I was getting on my friends skateboard I stepped on the edge of the skateboard and it came up and whacked me across the face and Im much older than 6! Lol
I wanna make a video game about her to make you feel better about thps5
Love the helmet.
was that her even younger brother around :24? Wow, they're awesome.
dat boss drop!0.51
How do they do that edating
wow i hope i can do tht
you are sooo wonderful
not the next tony hawk the new tony hawk because tony is really really bad now and skate boarding
"Not enough cod" 1/10 IGN
you guys are trolling
that's not a girl that's a man baby lol jk
is that a boy or a girl
good for himher and himher has lucky socks😂
This is the best skateboarding kid I've had ever seen
That's awesome
Lol now I'm embarrassed to skateboard
Kolejny przykład tego, że jeżeli myślisz że jesteś w czymś świetny, to istnieje na świecie Azjata, który jest lepszy… :
I can't even stand on a skateboard and I'm 13…
My favorite was the 480
she kills it at such a young age! thats awesome!
Jeez this chick can kick flip to rock to fakie and I can't do a freaking fs180 ollie yet😕
I'm better and I'm 5 years old 😀
I want to be her