We received an emergency call about an abandoned puppy that was thrown away.
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The weather was rainy, windy and cold and it took us some time to reach the site. After careful investigation of the area, we started our search. And it took us some time to find this beautiful baby boy.
Initially he was afraid of us and quite scared of everything. This comes as no surprise, because he was recently dumped in this area by his previous owners…
Abandoned Puppy was Scared to Death after being Thrown Away Until This Happened
Three dogs were dumped on the street by their owner. OMG, watch until the end!!!
Someone Dumped these Puppies in Massive Rainstorm
#Puppy #Abandoned #Scared #Rescue #Sad #Scared #was #scared #to #death #after #being #thrown #away #until #this #happened #Amazing Abandoned #Rescue #Dog #Paw #PawSquadron #Rescue #Scared #Abandoned #Puppy #Broken #Heart #PawPatrol #PawSquad #until dog sacred #dogscared dog cries #cries abused dog #abuseddog dog cry #dogcry #Rescue Left #left #Abandoned #for for dead #dead puppy rescue #Small small #SmallPuppy small puppy #ThrownAway thrown away #Leave leave #AbandonedPuppy abandoned puppy #dog dog #doggie doggie #baby baby baby puppy #babydog baby dog #dogrescue dog rescue #paw paw #puppyfollowedmehome puppy followed me home what happens next will shock you #will #shock #you #what #happens #rescueabandonedpuppy #don’t #leave #me rescue abandoned puppy #puppyrescue puppy rescue #stray stray #straydog stray dog #straypuppy stray puppy rescue family #family finding her new home #home play #play vet #vet shock #shock next #next what happens next will #will #shock you dog #baby baby rescue cat rescue #catrescue pet rescue #petrescue hope #hope #dogrescue #thegogo #thedodo #PawSquadron
❓ How should we name this beautiful boy? Please write your suggestions below:
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➡️ Bank transfer:
• Name: Paw Squadron
• IBAN: BG17STSA93000028736131
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Names; Walker, Runner, Cuddles
How can i adopt him?
Paw Squadron. Great work. Salutes. Love from India.
Thanks Guys for saving cute friend🤗🤗🤗💕💕💕😇😇😇🙏🙏🙏🌷🌷🌷🌺🌺🌺🤠🤠🤠💪💪💪
❤️ the wee 🐶 story. Levi would be a 👍🏻 name
God bless you guys for saving him
oh~ so so cute. We are live in korea. Have a nice day😍
Keep doing this. You deserved the best for you ante the dogs you save. Blessings and a big huge from Perú.
God Bless You, But We Also Have To Take Care
What the hell is wrong with people.if they don't want the responsibility of an animal atleast respect them enough to take them to a shelter so they can be cared for. Seriously, how do they look at themselves in the mirror and like what they see.
I hope he’s doing really well I sure love him just watching the video breaks my heart how people can be so ruthless to Animals love ❤️ u little one Can you guys for rescuing him you’re my hero
God Bless You
bruh, these guys abuse them and use videos to get money
that dog is named scarf, definately
ive seen a few of these emotional videos. and usually takes a long time before the dog eats. maybe cause the pup is so young its still trusting somewhat
but he scarfed that food down!
it made me smile
Poor baby is so hungry. Why abandon this poor pup? Why not take it back to where you got it if you changed your mind? So cruel. They don't deserve another pet of any kind. So glad you found him (her?) and it is now safe.
save all the animals but abort the human babies. How screwed up is our world. And I love dogs and cats, but our priorities are screwed up
This is so heartbreaking.😭 Thank you so much for saving the puppy.🙏
Name suggestion : AZOR
You must have a lot of diarrhea episodes after these feedings…😊 You are wonderful with the way you handle them. I have seen some really hair-raising videos of no doubt well-meaning rescue people in Eastern Europe who kept petting and pounding the dogs they were displaying for adoption in a very rough and unsettling way. Those dogs all looked very stressed out. Yours are always soothed and relaxed. Good job! Wishing you well.
Sweet little boy. Alfie – call him "Alfie", because he is certainly a lady's man. A definite heart-breaker … just like in the movie of the same name.
And I love your videos and the work you do … only maybe a few less zooming in and out fast … thought I'd hit my head a couple of times. Seriously, though from one "Filmmaker" to another. Again, please keep up your good work. I love you guys! 😍 Sherry