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We named him Giannis . A lady was walking her dog , she saw a tiny sick dog lying in the leaves . She posted it via Facebook and we were informed.
Giannis was very sick . Positive to Leismania , Heartworm, low blood pressure ,low hematocrit, blind at his right eye ,Dehydrated and diarrhea and hairless. It was a miracle that he survived helpless at the streets.
His offer for adoption came really early. He was still under a few treatments as he was getting treatment for many health issues. Iris and Christos , who adopted him, are such wonderful people and Giannis today has the chance to enjoy a wonderful life and continue his treatment under the care of his new family .
Hello, I am Ermioni, and together with Katerina and Fotini, I founded the Diasozo Animal Rescue in Karditsa, Greece. We are rescuing animals that are found abandoned, abused, mistreated and starving, and we are trying to offer them a better life. We are volunteers, and our only resources are donations. We depend on all of you, to help us offer our rescues the life they deserve, so we are grateful for any donation.
Follow our facebook page for new rescues & updates: https://www.facebook.com/diasozoanimalrescueteam/
Contact me on facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/ermioni.giannakou
or email me: ermionirescue@gmail.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/diasozoanimalrescue/?igshid=azynrlhm2nl0&fbclid=IwAR3Ai24ircfcnqNV_bkSR2Jjw5IXEFXAxZkkgqOcVnQo6GuDQ0UVUvp88_M
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– *HUGE THANKS to nigel ogden, Lawrence Reginald oei, Brigitte Blach, MIG25 MIG31, Joshua James, nissemusse, Lucy Bugea, hilde boon, Ellen Talboom, Tom Rawlings, Helen Vile, Jerry Wheatley, Agnes Krygier, Frances Robb, Nhan Le, Eric Siemens, Raina Spazianiand, Carla, Martin Crimes, Danesh Mir, Janet Hoffmeister, Silke Potthoff, Lille Nissepige, Emily Kliemann, Ian Thomas, Ming Hoang, Ruth Challoner, Cyndi Brewster, Janet Fitzpatrick – Wilks, Monica, Gabriela muehlemann, Douglas Goodall, Christina Jones, Cesar Baldeon, HybridGrid, Marie Jones, Roxana Trejo, Alex McKenna, Nathalie Le Maire, Sheila Moncada, Jules s., Money Train, Annie, Chandra Gosain, Rowena lau, Peter Riddell, ShongLin Zhou, Iris Dorussen, Owen Bevilaqua, Ann Green man, Lille Nissepige, Carlos Arche, Lin Pointer, Σήφης Βαγιωνης, Brita-Heidi Elvatun, Charlie Miller, Jesse Henderson, Pat Rogers, Chris Chrisafis, Gudrum Mirlein, Denise, Sara Havens, Araceli Bouza-Chow, Rosaria Birrane, Matt, Java Resova, Sumayya, Paul Cook, Marta Kozicki, Steven Harbauer, Ann Fritz, Susan Driscoll, Christiane Schluter, Darrin Gross, Uma Meyer, Margie Bellamy, Paul William Osborne, Kathryn Nquyen, Cathy S McDonald, Claudio Torres, Katerina Nicolakopoulos, Jo schwartz, Sara Tester, Cathy Hunnicutt, Doc Bennett, Steve Deiter, Heather Shulman, Vien Nguyen Yvonne Holler Cancer Sun, George Ahladianakis, Joe Zepeda, Ninjakitty104, Kristi Seiter, Jochen Pretli, John Fishburn, Vosaru, Melissa Schicker, Bill Switzer, Ethleen Johnson, Keshav, Susan Maves, Tim Lewis, Susan Berens, Kris Curtis, Daniele Boucher, Lillian Hayes, Anna Bazilevsky, Res,John salines, Tracy Bartel, Jacob and Kristina Federemsser, Godfrey P Miles, Honey Ranario, Sandra Luhnow, Tom McFarland, carla rae aragon, Niel Ohlsen, David Wilson, David Newman, Maryanne Enslow, Florencia Iturra, Kimberly & Pluto, Ines Schibli, Valerie Vozza, Jane Russell, Grazia Sher, Cintweak, Walter F Smith, Trish Dumas, Lyle Kelley, Charlotte Gunter, Jim Strom, YAMIKO, Dixie1911, issacsathish,Laurene Valente , Richard Karschney and all our patrons!
thank u for daving dog and give him a new home forever..godbless ur team..
❤️ Hermosa eleccion 4.FO/Elizeid de mejor
1 (elecciones ) 9.9/10 2 ( culturales ) 9.7/10
Son unos de los mejores conciertos
, no-puede-ir-pero-de-tan-solo verlos
desde pantalla,, se que estuvo
Sorprendente .
you guys rock love what you do for these poor baby's i know Jesus is going to get these people i pray this with all my heart 👼👣🐾✝️😇💒💝
Thank you for giving him a second chance with a real home and love 💕
After everything, what a great outcome. That poor little dog, now a lovely little pet who is going to be loved. xxxxx
so beautiful woman !!!!!!
Maravilloso trabajo Erminioni, desde Barcelona un fuerte abrazo ❤
Life is too short to dwell on the past, and I believe his new parents will love him and give him all the love he needs and it all happened because Ermioni, you were there to save him and give him a second chance👏🥰
Seeing him relaxing and happy is wonderful after all he’d been through❣️Thank you Ermioni for giving your all for animals in need😍💯💕
Thank you malaekat ku🙏🙏🙏
No me había fijado pobrecito cómo está de heridas lleva un collar eso quiere decir que ha tenido dueño qué mala gente hay
Eres el ángel de la guarda de todos estos pequeños animales yo te sigo y estoy suscrita a tus a tus vídeos sigue cuidando de ellos qué buena falta hace que cada vez hay más gracias saludos desde España
Ermioni, Iris , Christ and every one God bless you
Thank you!
I just love to see this lady take care of all the doggies she has rescue, she have so much love for all the dog's. She's always so gentle with all her rescues, thank you for caring and may God bless you for your work.
Thank God for good people ☺️ doing the right thing – like helping defenseless animals.
The Doggie Angel Rescue team at it again!❤️👏👏…Ermioni you give me hope at a time when it hard to to find it!…☮️❤️…wishing you a blessed Easter 🐣
God bless you.😘😘🤗🤔😅💖💜🐅🐕💜
Pessoas como vocês Deus se agrada
Você é um exemplo a ser seguido!
Gracias ❤
❤ Ermioni❤ you all are heroes 👍 so sorry for the bad weather 😢
so much love ….thank you !!!!!!!
I will never understand peopole who have to gutsto take pictures, make FB posts AND GO AWAY..instead of taking care of the dogs…
He is so beautiful and now loved for the rest of his life – just what he deserves!
Tão frágil tão pequenininho tão indefeso e sozinho. Graças a Deus que você apareceu para salva-lo. Parabéns. Quem abandona um ser tão indefeso deveria ser preso.
Μπράβο σας παιδιά 💖
Thank you so much . Wish you happy.
Un grand MERCI de France! Merci ERMIONE !
Это ужасно. Что творит НЕЛЮДЬ на Земле!!! Земля очистись !!! Удали опухоль! СТЕРИЛИЗАЦИЯ и Кастрация спасут животных!
👏👏👏 Thank you so so much 😘😘Armio. This poor girl would not make it if she's not rescued in time. So thankful to her new family ☺️👍👍
OMG, Sorry you all went through that Storm.
Ermioni Angel on Earth 💯❣🤜💪👏👣🐾🐾
Your such a good person. It sure seems like people in Greece neglect a lot of dogs
Thank you for treating his sick eye.
Obrigada 🙏
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 thank you thank you … From far away, from Mexico thank you forever
so nice to see he is being nurtured back to health. i am glad you saved him on time. thanks a million for always saving the voiceless
Só mesmo um anjo de Deus para socorrer essa vidinha ♥️