LUCKY PEOPLE WHO AVOIDED DISASTER! Leave a Like if you enjoyed and want to be lucky! Subscribe to join the Wolf Pack and enable notifications! EMBARRASSING TEXTS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QnpqngR22o
LUCKY PEOPLE WHO AVOIDED DISASTER! Leave a Like if you enjoyed and want to be lucky! Subscribe to join the Wolf Pack and enable notifications! EMBARRASSING TEXTS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QnpqngR22o
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Haha, you didn't say computer
I'm a boy and the tree that went thru the car in that spot all boys nightmare cuase our sausage will be crushed rip😔🤧
my uncle was bitten by a shark a big one the bite is massive but he was ok. He told me he knocked its tooth out and made it a necklace.
Once i was 8, n I was at my dad's friends house n he had a little 2 year old n I was sitting on the grass outside playing with the grass n then my brother looked behind him n got up n walked away I didn't pay attention, n then I felt something hit my foot, it was a open pocket knife, the blade hit my foot, the two yr old got a hold of a pocket knife n threw it at me 😶
Take that shit out of him
My phone didn’t die my iPad did
Because KKK means just search it online
HELL NO U B*** IM F***ing throwing that F***ING TOOTHBRUSH AWAY!
Your phone dieing does not count
me: ain't got nothin-ain't got nothin
throw my toothbrush in the garag garbag
So much to brush awayK
A nope rope/snake was in my room once
My father once steped on a nail once
This video make it hard for me to breathe
I dont really know if this is a "near death" thing but one day we were at a campsite i was on a bike with my sis i put my foot down and then my foot got stuck in the wheel and to this day i still have a scar
were cat
i was riding my pony and she bucked me of [ for not horse people ] [i fell of my 14.2 hh horse] and she almost broke my back
8:53 Id just burn the tooth brush
Ok so I was being born and I almost suffocated and died bc I came out body first and not head first
I stepped on a nail and it wenf halfway through my foot. It did not hurt for some reason.
10:50 This happened to me on the highway. There was a gravel truck right in front of us and a piece of gravel just flew out and broke the window. My mom took a pic of the driver and he gave us the middle finger…
I know about German soldiers , the Germans where against the Jewish people and German soldiers and Nazis soldiers would have the Jewish people sign papers for information of themselves so when the Germans are ready to send them off to camp (either death as soon as you get there or torture then death) and also I'm in fourth grade and I learned abt this and I had fun learning about Annemarie
this is some final destination crap lol
😮 a axe 🪓
When I was 7 I literally was going out to my mom and thought I stepped on a sharp rock but I was wondering why it wasn’t falling out when I lifted my feet and I touched it JUST TO FIND OUT IT WAS A FREAKING NAIL😭
Ummmmm I'd throw the toothbrush away 😅
i'd throw the toothbrush then burn it
i stept on a nail a 2 or 3 cm long nail luck saved me i still stept on it but my skin hurt fast enof so not alot of damige was made 🙂
My k.k.k.k ya