5 Extreme Natural Events Caught On Camera
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0:00 MonthlyFails presents “Extreme Natural Events Caught On Camera”!
0:37 Scary Storm Comes Out Of Nowhere On Highway (Serbia)
2:45 Powerful Flash Flood Forms Within Only Minutes In Hawaii
4:59 Hurricane-Force Winds Of Derecho Hit Iowa (United States)
6:50 Spectacular Avalanche Goes Down Vertically Between Mountains (Switzerland)
8:53 Disastrous Landslide After Heavy Rainfalls In Istanbul (Turkey)
10:28 Like & Subscribe to MonthlyFails for more ‘Insane Moments Caught On Camera’!
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Many thanks to everyone who has submitted videos to todays episode!
#MonthlyFails #NaturalEvents #Weather #WeatherMoments #NaturalDisasters
Nice one some great clips selected!
amazing how you turned 5 10 second clips into 10 minutes
The one in Iowa was a derecho
Uhh they dont have hurricanes in iowa. Thats a tornado /microburst
A hurricane in Iowa??
Sek thktwwv ufjks CHI
That’s a big mountain slide 😅
Was in a hurricane once, terrible feeling
A flood will come
That’s a big avalanche
Also good
Ummmm hurricanes don't happen in IOWA🤣
The creator of video doesnt do work good,first video is in Serbia filmed and betwen Belgrade and Novi Sad.Learn geography!Just look at the plates of truck and of the highway sign Fruska Gora!WTF man ?
I hate the narration on these vids so much I think I have to unsub… 🙁
The landslide was scary af, how did they know to get out?
Was number one a tornado?
Serbia is not in Russia … yet at least
What the hell was that storm at 5:50?
At 1:22 I thought the wind blew him into the guardrail lol
that's how Monday will hit me 5:15
8:10 well I might have moved a bit
Seriously…get rid of that idiot narrator. No need whatsoever
Gotta watch those Iowa hurricanes. Stay away from the coastline while visiting there.
Unsubscribed – here is the punchline, now watch the video with the spoiled ending.
Surely he doesn't mean there was a hurricane in Iowa. Surely. And don't call me Shirley.
Note: The first clip is actually in Serbia not Siberia, thanks for pointing that out! 🙂
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That's probably a tornado in Iowa not a hurricane.
0:46 Its not Siberia, its Serbia, northern Serbia.
A bit inspired by Underworld? 😀 I saw some comment from you in one of their recent videos.
Sup man, good to see you back, POLARTTYRTM here.