Gorilla fights are usually watched at the zoo by tourists. Today, this gorilla fight is broken down by MMA founder and Grand Master, Jesse.
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#Gorillas #MMA #AnimalFights
Great video! Thanks 👍
Grandmaster, please make animal fight breakdown a series. Plisss
Bro. . . . . this video almost made me do a "doo-doo" from laughing. lol.
This was by far the best animal/nature narration of all time. NAT-GEO needs to put you on the payroll homey.
10/10 – still laughing
That’s what’s up. He going to throw it at the big fo…never mind🇲🇽
Grandmaster, Hey Regardless Homes, if its a Gorilla regardless, it gonna be a fight regardless homes, for a Gorilla regardless.
Every video you make without mayonnaise is fire.
Absolutely hilarious!!!
This is the best video I've seen YouTube ♥️♥️♥️🦍🦍🦍
Seems like your trying to hard now it’s not funny ese
So that gorilla turned and hit the other one cause he was probably getting too close and too friendly, tried to pull him closer with that hug, trying to make him feel comfortable in his arm, maybe he whispered sweet little nothings in his ear and the other one was like no I’m not like that
He’s going to eat it, maybe he saw some un digested corn or peanut so he thought he had to run it through the system again
Maybe that gorilla thought they were playing tag, so he taps him and runs, while the one in the corner on the table gets the runs
I thought he was going to do some arts and crafts, you know use it like clay number 2
Totally mint 😂😂😂😂
This is dope!!
yo i think this is one of the greatest videos ive ever seen in my life
Please more of these animal fights … 😂😂
Absolutely the funniest thing I've heard in a very long time. Excellent job!
Another quality vid, bra… keep em comin!
Super funny
this is one of your best videos, i cant wait for you to do a breakdown of covington vs woodley next week
Fucking hilarious! You are correct about what that video was all about.
It's Hesse!
Please do a thousand more of these!
This is gold grandmaster….dayum…you give Peta a 🏃♂️ 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
I just spit my water laughing😂😂😂
Longtime subscriber… you ALWAYS make me laugh.. great work!
Another Home Run !
This is brilliant. Love you bro
Great breakdown. Psy-warfare wins this time.
More gorillas bro they savage af
gotta feel sorry for the old gorilla these two little punks tried to bully him but he showed them , and then the big daddy silver back showed up and took over like the badass he is
It’s funny, people usually fight like this, disorganized and cheap shots and multiple people involved.
This is brilliant lol
More like this.. That caca eating was nasty.. But we watch it anyway.. Animals..
really well done. excellent writing. good humor.
LOL cool.
Sometimes things get so boring during the pandemic that eating your own poop is the best option.
Hey esse good vid
Homies over there just wishing you can have some decent roommate 😜
Gorilla Prison Yard
I was laughing so hard. You sounded like Tony Montana Explaining MMA after snorting a desk full of powered LOL
Hahaha "imagine waking up and your roommate is stood across the room eating his doo doo" 😖😝😫😭
Darren Till before fighting Gastelum
Lol….subscribed…loving your vids