MERCH : dazblackshop.com
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/daz_black
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Daz Black : http://bit.ly/2daMcU3
FACEBOOK : http://bit.ly/1QsBu0Z
SNAPCHAT : daz_black
Business : dazblack@independenttalent.com
Capture Software: Xsplit
Monitor x2: http://amzn.to/2xlwvNL
Speakers: http://amzn.to/2xl9aM0
I wake up 4am😳😱
I showed my parents this and was like this is why I sleep with a dagger on my night stand and always have one on me 😂😑
the video makes u scared but daz makes u laugh straight after it so u dont get scared anymore😭
the cat is running too fast on like a laggy camera thing so of course it’ll look a bit see through cause like its a flash
I’m watching at night
I think I’ll just look stay in the comments for this vid
you need to react to Lights.are.out
I jumped to the first one 🤣
So your telling me i woke up last night at 3am needing to take a shit because a ghost was watching me?
cats have 9 lives, so it's probably fine
Me watching this shit at 11:13 pm 😂
Im so blessed my mum is like hella religious and spiritual and we have tons of islamic prayers around the house. And I've never felt uncomfortable or scared in my house. Nor have my pets ever acted strangely.
The one in the attic was a racoon but I still don't think they know the reason for the door opening that far
imagine if daz could use a wegy board one time……….
‘Why couldn’t she be blonde’ -Daz
Dude about the fact of the ghost looking at u so u wake up every night I wake up around 4/5
Daz: talks about shower curtain
Me: sweats nervously about my closed shower curtain.
Daz I Am not sleeping tonight
I’m gonna debunk the cat video, I’m a photographer and with a large amount of motion with a small f stop, it looks like some kind of burry/ ghostly figure. It’s all about the motion blur and how good your camera is, and that camera was a security camera, so it most likely had a very low f stop. The cat was just running at a fast speed.
Mmmmm best daz quote: YIKIE RUMBY WOOOOWWW
8:16 if this is real then maby its a lost soul that was waiting for someone who never came and keeps walking there in the hopes that person will come
on the second clip, i think the thing outside of their tent was a hedgehog, because you can hear them sniffing and scuttling around in the middle of the night
Omg when you said chanelle I was sooo exited that's my namee
Literally, in the first clip I screamed "MOMMY" twice
And we’re moving!
-Daz Black
I always wake up between 1 and 3 for some reason everyday
OMG MY PARENTS DO THE SAME THING WITH THE SHOWER CURTAINS!! I hate it when they do that and then I have to rip the curtains back with my fists out and ready to punch whatever is behind it. I'm just constantly thinking about where people or things can hide.
I’ll be hiding in the comments again!