A filthy animal unfit for human company… and a dog. Watch the official trailer for #DogMovie starring Channing Tatum now.
A filthy animal unfit for human company… and a dog. Watch the official trailer for #DogMovie starring Channing Tatum now.
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I wish it had a bigger storyline…esp of the dog's past but it was a sweet movie.
An interesting remake of the movie K9, you can see a few scenes that are very similar
Pretty basic story but there aren't any dog movies out there so I watched
I can’t even begin to say thank you for this movie it hit’s so close to my hart I can’t even tell y’all! To night me and my family all had dinner together and watched this movie ❤️ it just brought so much joy in to my home. Y’all are amazing group of people for making this movie for me and my family to watch over and over
And thank you for showing a country what soldiers and their families give to this grate country including are furry battles ❤️
Channing Tatum between this movie and dear John you’re my favorite actor
I would literally rather gouge my eyes out and pour cement into my ears before watching this movie. everyone involved should seek spiritual help
So glad to see him back in action! Wasn’t even mad he took time off for his daughter ❤
Im not gonna watch it if the dog will die at d end😥
I like the part when he is in the tub😂😂😂
Get a Malinois and you'll never look back. Easiest dog to train and live with.
awesome movie watched yesterday in cinema its cool.
Sup dog !
This is the best Movie.🐾..🎥
This looks good
' ع
I just saw the movie and it was great! And not only showed the dedication of service dogs but the emotional toll of PTSD on humans and animals. I really enjoyed this movie and the storyline. I hope others will check it out. 🥰
It looks like a good film 🎥 a can not wait an till it come out
I believe in on Donoval_well telegram always because I he provided me a blaze pet it so lovingly and stubborn dog
A very good movie. 👍
0 Dark 22 next please.
Bill burr !!
Except for the dog, nothing worth of watching.
What is the name of the movie
Somebody wanted me to be submissive I spit in their face 👀
2 seconds in and That Dog Already being a Marley lol. If you know you know.
Beast of burden
Can anyone confirm no animals were harmed
It is so hard to focus on his movies I cannot get past his face❤️🤣🤣
This movie was a huge disappointment
Too much Tatum,not enough dog. On a positive note the dog DOES NOT DIE. sorry
Too much Tatum,not enough dog. On a positive note the dog DOES NOT DIE. sorry for the spoiler.
Great film ❤️
Nice movie but has nothing to do with comedy.
i heatd about this
🤣🤣🤣 "Oh My God I can see"
I saw the movie and it was awesome.
i watched it