Guy And Rescued Squirrel Do Everything Together | The Dodo

Guy And Rescued Squirrel Do Everything Together | The Dodo
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Guy shares his cereal with a squirrel — who leaps into his arms every single day 💛

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  1. There is a love here that I LONG FOR. Trust, respect, kindness, affection and unconditional admiration. You can see it and feel it. This is an equal friendship with equal gains.. What I would give to be able to visit this guy would be beyond description..I just buried my brother this week and I am the baby with no one left and I long for a companion JUST like this, but this man has it instead of me so that's means.. Her deserves it and needs it so much more than I. I am jealous sure, but so thankful they have each other.. If you guys ever come to Texas please let me know…

  2. Amazing little goober (peanut)…I've been feeding my backyard squirrels for years…and still they run from me, when I feed them every day , peanuts, seeds etc…lol
    I wish one of them , would come and hang out with me….like that

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