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this is a scary & creepy & horror animation
Animated by SUN
Narrated by Lets Read!
If you have personal true story of yours, please send it through
email: wanseestudio@gmail.com
Listen to K-pop music sponsored by me! (Double GJ) :
#horror #creepy #truestory #scarystory #animation
Hearing the law sentence sounds right. Just slapping wrists left and right
Che is handsome😂
Their is less gentleman now a days and more of psychos in a relationship. Girls always get hurt often.
Just 4 years? Um…..
F this j system
They shouldn’t have gotten four yers but I don’t think he should get the life sentence
Let me guess, does this story take place in Canada?
The best animation
This is so sad
The story is real or fake that is not the point what matters is the message he is trying to convey to us BTW loved all your stories💜💜💜💜💜
This narrator is amazing
Bro this narrator sucks at telling stories
I feel that at the end you can’t change no one
I love your videos been watching you for years ❤️
So even though Jay was laughing about ruining Angel's life they still won't give him the proper punishment he deserves ? Why ? That should be enough evidence that he did do more then just keep her in the Van. I hate the fucking Justice System.
What i got from the story was a miserable white knight getting mad that he won't be able to get her since she's basically dead also i think the reason why it was hard for her to break up with him was cause he's a chad that most woman desire aka top 20% of men im not surprised he got a light sentence after all hes a chad ofc he won't more then 10 years if it was a 5'6 balding indian janitor he be getting 30 years
Sadly I know how evil that someone must be. It happened 5 years ago. I was supposed to go with my cousin and well….THIS PIECE OF SHIT to the disco but I was too tired after long day if work and college. Next day…police knocked on our door saying how sorry they are and that…Agnes's is dead. I couldn't believe it, how, when, why, what happened?!? That piece of shit killed her, took large rock and hit her on the head, then carried to the river and drowned her in it. She was still alive…was terrified of water…he sent sms to his friend writing that she's damn heavy. He laughed…LAUGHED in the coart
Omgggg isn’t that narrator “Let’s Read” ? I love voice actors he’s one of my favorites!
most of these ppl probably addicted to these vids right?
By far my favorite animation style ❤️
Y'all want to send wansee some fo your story
Angel be like: I can fix him.