Today I found & watched some of the supposedly Haunted & Scary Tik Tok videos on the Internet. DO NOT Watch these TikToks!!
Music Used
Chloe’s Lullaby by Robert Austin Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRSEpS2veCI
Similar Videos:
DO NOT DOWNLOAD THESE APPS… They’re Haunted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4rIHKh7bk4
DO NOT Watch These Lost VHS Tapes …They’re Actually HAUNTED: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7EY2XF0ZpM
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POV ur hiding in the comments cause ur scared.
4:11 little did she know that she is gonna watch that in the future.. aka… LUX ARMY…
I hate your videos but I don’t hate your videos but I hate him they scare me but I still wanna do it because so many hours of it but then I hate it
At 12:01 the man who kept saying help me that might be a skin walker
One time my friend had a TikTok account she never mentioned anything spooky but one video showed at night when she was hanging out at a park she hears a scream after watching the video 5 times I resized that was me. Basically I tripped and thought something grabbed me I then laughed my weird deep man laugh.
Why does the lady say help sound similar in a life of luzury video😬😬
I love your vids so MUCH I subscribe to you
3:39 after watching that I blinked a d it SCARED
4:05 just realized this is Life of Luxury lol
Not even the bats in that cave
Lauren when she saw the screen shot: ew ew ew
Lauren you are the reason I am not dead.every time I watch you you make me smile. Thx so much
When the mine explorer guy said: so in 2013…
Me:yay the day I was born is haunted! I’ve always wanted to be a demon!
Have you ever heard a scream out the window but when you looked there was no one there?
I’ve been sub since you had 1k subs
You should try red door yellow door
The 2nd last tiktok that calling for help could of been a… skinwalker
about the girl getting pulled under the bed isnt fake these are real people needing help and upon from these creatures shes getting stalking from
The one about the crying being looped is actually a recording,some kidnappers/killers put out to get their next victim. Stay safe!
I love watching mrballen
Fun fact:all of these are fake
I got up to shut my door while watching this and sat in my ketchup 😭
3:24 is it just me or does that remind you of nightmarionne from fnaf?
I think fake too
8:00 i dont get it..
🤍is your background a ground for demon’s and ghost’s 🖤
I think the Chuck e cheese handprint cake top is fake and the girl just put her hands on it
at 11:52 i was going to say, my cousin thought maybe a skinwalker?
Two sentences horror storie.
Whenever my daughter makes a mistake in her art she stabbed it. I wish she wasn’t a Make-up artist
The door game is true I’ve done it before with my friend DONT GO IN THE CLOCK ROOM DONT DONT YOU WILL SEE A SIMBLE DONT GO IN IT OR YOU WILL GET TRAPPED