3 amazing dogs in Germany! Bailey, Sparrow, our senior Lorens!! Adopt them! – Takis Shelter

3 amazing dogs in Germany! Bailey, Sparrow, our senior Lorens!! Adopt them! - Takis Shelter
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3 amazing dogs in Germany! Bailey, 8 months old, Sparrow, 2 years old and our senior Lorens, 9-10 years old!!!! All of them are very friendly dogs, they love to cuddle. Please adopt them. If you want to adopt them send an email to:

No chain. No cage. No kill. – Takis Shelter

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About the Author: Takis Shelter


  1. All adorable and adoptable dogs, how to choose?😄 So pleased they made it to fosters (hopefully soon forever homes) in Germany.🇬🇷🐶🇩🇪

  2. They all look so happy where they are! But if they can't stay, l wish for them to find forever homes as loving as their foster homes.🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻 Thank 💐 You kind families in Germany!
    Good 🍀 Luck Bailey, Good 🍀 Luck Sparrow, Good 🍀 Luck Lorenz. May 2022 be your special big year, all of you!!🤗💖🐾🌈🇨🇦☮️

  3. Sending these dogs love and visualizing them adopted to loving and fun forever homes. Thank you so much to the foster parents. 💜🐕💜

  4. Wie kannst du Lorens eine Pflegefamilie sein, die erste… und ihm dann weiter in gute Hände geben? 😉 Mein Herz würde brechen. Ich wünsche dem Guten Lorens alles Gute, er hat es verdient. Ganz viel Liebe 🙂

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