Witchcraft: Crash Course European History #10

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During our last several episodes, Europe and the European-controlled world have been in crisis. Wars, disease, climate changes, and shifts in religious and political power threw the European world into turmoil. People were looking for a scapegoat, and for many it was a time of magical thinking. So, maybe witches were responsible for all the problems? It was a popular idea, but, alas, the witches weren’t responsible.

Godbeer, Richard, ed. The Salem Witch Hunt: A Brief History with Documents. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin’s, 2018.

Kupperman, Karen. Indians and English: Facing Off in Early America. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2000. Plus additional personal communications.

Parker, Geoffrey. Global Crisis: War, Climate Change, and Catastrophe in the Seventeenth Century. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2013.

Roper, Lyndall. Oedipus and the Devil: Witchcraft, Sexuality and Religion in Early Modern Europe. London: Routledge, 1994.

Roper, Lyndal. The Witch in the Western Imagination, Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2012.

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  1. More witches have been killed by pagans than by christians. When the auguries are not desireable or innacurate…When YOURE the victim of a curse, or its YOUR relative's grave thats being desecrated and plundered for spell components (binds, shawl, teeth, hair, etc.)… When the plague hits they are not "wisewomen" anymore, they are instantly exposed as witches. Sometimes the mob goes crazy and howls for blood and doesnt care to omuch where it gets it from. Sometimes witches are rightfully executed for grave sins against their community; graver than grave desecration. There IS such a thing as blood magic and it requires human sacrifice. Its practiced almost openly in many places in Africa to this day and its downright mainstream in some places. Congo for example has a serious witchcraft problem.

  2. So allegedly a woman would sell her immortal soul and condemn herself to eternal damnation for a large amount or even unlimited satanic power just to give men erectile dysfunction. Makes perfect sense.

  3. Its funny how christians is hungry for power and its a proof that they are acting by themselves not for the god they worshipped. And if they are acting by the will of their god then its hilarious bc a God is a great existence and he is making his followers fight for religion and resources in this small planet when the universe is vast lol

  4. Witchcraft is any way to gain knowledge or power other than obeying implicitly the Lord by His word. All men are rebellious and witches to one degree or another. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. You must be born again. Most religion has been polluted by mans sinful selfish nature. Same as ever and more so today. Start with Gods spoken words by Him in the flesh in the gospel of John. Pay special attention to the words in red. God is talking directly to everyone. He made the entire universe very simple. Our job is to trust believe and obey. Everything will follow. Knock and it will be opened to you.

  5. This has opened my eyes to the devlish nature of the European areas…… All the Evil Devilish and Horrible actions where taken by men especially the middle passage where captives were usually pregnate by the time the captives made it to America. I notice that the colonizers emptied thier jails and ghettos to inflict this torture on the rest of the world.from the 1500 until now the most ignorant most insignificant of you all Is the Descruction of the World

  6. I dont think there would be much different if there were a powerful witch or a supernatural being appearing in today's society. it'ss probably be shot dead, stabbed, taken away by the government or secret societies. Cuz of fear, it has always been fear.

  7. John. I've been watching your european history and you are less annoying in it than world history. Please keep up this tone. The world history episodes feel like blues clues for adults…

  8. Witchcraft still exists in media and politics unfortunately. This will continue unless we believe that there are always different perspectives to each story.

  9. 1537 GERMANY







  10. many of the councils of men also had the ownership of all the womens properties after she was executed for witchcraft, so many of the nurses and doctors who were women were just killed so that men could gain their wealth

  11. Why is the witch depicted as an african rather than european woman? Is there some subliminal thought process here that draws a connection to what an oppressed person should look like?

  12. The witch trials raise an interesting question: suppose witches are real, like their spells work (I know Wiccans and Satan worshippers exist. I'm talking about people who can cast spells, like buying legal things, burning them, saying magic words, and that directly causes a real person to die). Should they be tried for a crime?

  13. With the modern decline in logic and rational thought, where every paranoid and half-baked theory is taken seriously by millions of people, and the rise of fundamental religion, how long before witch burning and the Inquisition comes back?

  14. I mean of course witches practice cannibalism. You think Hamlet the teacup pig deserves to live less than Mitch McConnell? Sure, a lot of witches are vegan. But when you need a good BLT… cannibalism, baby!

  15. Yes, witches are real. The real issue here is that a real wicked witch who practices black magic, will practice obviously secretly and will have influential and prominent positions in society because they would need to protect themselves by controlling policies and government decrees. Witches operate spiritually, their souls leave their body via astral projection to go to their covens and meetings to plan and execute wicked acts without trace.
    They kill or destroy lives secretly. They are truly the secret mass terrorists. However, all witches are victims who are forced to work for the devil and cannot be free or confess of their activity without the repercussion of death from the evil spirits they serve. Some of "witches" killed by Salem Witch Trials were actually innocent people, while some of the accusers were actually real witches in disguise, including the so-called ministers of God.

  16. it’s funny because now, most witches don’t work with satan. they worship gods/goddesses/faeries…. or like me, nothing. i practice to get in touch with my higher self 🙂 chakra meditation + witchcraft just works for me

  17. You have no idea how bad those witches were back then. Even though it's terrible that so many innocent women were murdered it is no wonder why those people were so scared of witches and wanted to eradicate them. Videos like this make it seem like the people back then killed out of pure ignorance and for no reason. They had their reasons. Witches were not all innocent victims. They really did exist and many were unimaginably evil.

    I've nothing against good witches that fear the living hell and fear to use their power to hurt people.

  18. Justifiable modern, feminist revisionism to devote an episode to witchcraft – but important if we are to learn from history: women are still persecuted today across many religions and cultures (as are all 'heretics' based on sexuality). Men were the 'perverted', especially those forced to be celibate, producing fear and loathing of females. Superstition (= religion) underpinned it but I still don't fully get how far it went, even in Britain under an otherwise fairly rational King (James I, or James VI in Scotland).

  19. This leaves out that women were accused of witchcraft as a strategy in the concentration of wealth and power essential to the development of capitalism. See "Caliban and the Witch" by Silvia Federici.

  20. They called her a witch because she used magic. Relogion isnt science, its an atherial practice, and she used it as a tool. Church doesnt like competition, so they called her magic black, and took her out

  21. dare i say that black cats are some of the best cats. they absorb more sunlight & are very nice to pet after laying in the sun. 10/10 would recommend .

  22. fun fact malleus malleficarum was actually seen by most as highly misogynistic in a time that was already highly misogynistic, which was a big reason why for the average person it wasnt a pleasant experience but due to Kramer having strong ties with the pope and religious figures at the time anyone who spoke out about it was seen as a heretic so eventually people stopped opposing and it became common "knowledge" to future generations to follow it because you were screwed if you didnt

  23. "A moon shone bright above her trial
    As flames ate through her body defiled

    The witch hammer
    Struck her down
    On our sabbath
    She is unbound

    'Tis the night of the witch
    'Tis the night of the witch tonight
    And the vengeance is hers for as long as she stands by him"~Papa Emeritus I

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