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LOL Mr ink gets road rash .
White girls and alcohol are two things that should never mix lol. They are always falling over in these videos
Is he playing golf in Valhalla? can see why the club slipped out his hands. The fairway looks like it's between clouds
3:37 "Finish him !" 3:43 "FATALITY… STAIRS WINS"
What is your personal malfunction??
01:50 – immediately feel for the girly with the hammer… Thought she was doing the right thing, doing a good job… "Stupid fucker", possibly a bit OTT for what appears to be a honest mistake…
Wtf was the bee guy even doing
2:05 and that's why you pay to get things done by professionals instead of having your kids do it. lol
kgf chapter 2 ❤
Between the delivery of, “Goddamit,” at 3:38 and the manhole, I don’t know what my favorite part of this video was. The bathroom one was the craziest in my opinion, though.
6:55 it looks like one of those teenage mutant ninja turtles are making some music.
❤️🧡💛 Thank you so much! 💚💙💜
Seriously tho how many more videos can you guys find? Amazing work! I’m straight hooked and always turn everyone onto the channel!
Awesome video keep up the good work Job 😎😎😎😎😎😎
When you fall, why do people immediately raise you up? I find it extremely annoying, when I hurt myself I wanna lay on the floor not be forced to get up
Goood one
3:36 best of best 🤠
The driving fails are always top notch!
Slips and falls down the front stairs are getting funnier by every video.
I was in stitches
3:43 That was golden
Thanks for sharing
I laugh everytime i see females trying to lift weights that are way too heavy for them lol. Leave that sht for us men ladies.
3:56 does not say "I love you" Is in spanish "Tómale foto, wey"….."A LA VERG@" JAJAJAJAJAJAJA "AHHHH PINCHE ANDREA"
Felt bad for the girl hammering the wall in wrong bathroom.
4:30 small penis award goes to…
1:35 he’s doing that little dance I do every time I stubbed my toe
0:55 Here in Germany we say: Hackedicht und irre dämlich…
RIP longboarders upper torso and arm tatts
1:32 is soo funny
6:42 His hand
Hahahahaha the white cat with the life jacket hahahaha.
So beautiful 🥰❤️
Haha @3:44
Oh funny time video 🔥
1:31 TV didn't know what do not show?
Fail to launch! 0:02