This compilation of incredible near misses caught on camera features some of the most insane close calls captured on dashcam.
From pedestrians almost getting hit to near car collisions, these are the craziest close calls we’ve seen.
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4:17 Really, mr cyclist?
Judging by the state of that windscreen at 4.53, I'd say he's had a few hits as well
A collection of “near misses” would feature car accidents that were unsuccessfully (but nearly) avoided. This is a collection of near collisions.
4:18 biker is an idiot
2:13 was a bit mad, close to becoming a death sandwich
i am very annoyed by the one at 3:25.the dude filmimng was coming at a speed way over the limit,and was coming from the third lane to the first.imagine being in the blue car.you look to the left and see no one coming on your lane,only a guy far away on the third lane.then you proceed to get out of the street,you look to your right to make sure there is no one ahead,and get into the lane,then out off the blue you are honked at very agresivly by someone that bassicaly spawned at the back of your car.the dude filming is an idiot and still has the audacity to swear as if she is at fault 🙁
In the last clip the dashcam car was wrong
2:15 there are no a close call
1:14 I should give the
2:15 that is a near miss :)))
1:40 made my day
Hats off to the bus driver @1:40. The driver of the golf was looking worried haha.
This only happens in Europe
These aren't "Near Misses". They're Russian & European Drivers, that's all. Typically ignorant of speed, driving, & safety.
the car in the thumbnail pulled his handbrake.. he needs his license taken and he needs to banned from using any transportation.. danger to society.