When you have the heart but the moves just aren’t there! Cheers to those who get up and try again and again and again and again – just be sure to send us the footage! 😂 Happy Fail Friday everyone!
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It never ends well when you casually walk across a patch of ice
Captain, I can't change the laws of physics.
5:12 hits invisible object
Bro…. Somebody fucked up.
5:12 Did reality just glitch for a second there? tf happened??
Why are people such idiots? 🤷♂️
That first one, probably cracked his skull.
Mc 1000
wth are you all cencoring? bottles??? getting really annoying
0:49 We just gonna ignore the fact that this was totally a kid driving?
Was the guy at 4:17 actually ziplining down an electric cable? How is he alive?
That Range Rover was the one.
Lol Trump 2020 guy deserves it
are these made in some arabic country or something? they censor and blur out the most innocent stuff
5:14 what happend??
5:13 that's some movie editing sh*t right there… what the heck did she hit?
4:31 This is why every can at Wal*mart is dented. Low paid no experience high as a mf-dum-b-@sses like this everywhere on this planet that works at Wal*mart.
1:29 not saying… just saying…
Aww 2:31
I love ho they trie SO HARD to catch themslves
On 1:36, that why sTump loves the uneducated.
5:13 Trajectory
0:01 starting
“Yeah I got that on video!!!” Literally me