Are you ready for a new portion of riddles? Riddles, brain-teasers and all sorts of puzzles have such a long-lasting and immense effect on the power of our brains that solving them on a daily basis can actually turn out to be a great brain training. Not only do they improve our problem-solving skills but also boost the functionality of our brain. Here’re 18 tricky riddles even an A student can’t solve.
Animation is created by Bright Side.
Music by Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com
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BRUH! These questions are so hard I barely guessed any! (I don't know how people work these out)
You got 10 seconds
Me pauses and Inbetween every question
Wait, what about the important documents??
This channel is better then school
You said I was a studio🤭😌
0:00 – Hi BS. 👋 12:46 – Like from me. 👍 Cheers.
Am going to record my self solving all this riddles
These people in the riddle are smart and lucky AF
Hii your my favorite YouTuber bright sidepavel radaev
Let’s all appreciate how he makes us smile every day 3mg1
I love your videos they make me laugh and happy please continue make videos zHG
this makes my brain work thx
Worst riddles video in youtube
SemEYE truck
We are helping criminals now 🤣👍
Bruh its cardbored box kust cut with siccors
Hai love your videos
Dude really had to go all those processes of locking and mailing to prevent it being stolen just to be told it was stolen after😭
Did u know that bright dude his name is Paul davee
0:19 he is clearly a mutant he has 4 fingers he does not need a key, he can escape by destroying the wall.
1st comment!
Hey bright side I now your Richer than Mr beast
Awesome riddle
This is hard
Don't make same riddles again
I love your videos they make me laugh and happy please continue make videos Z4na
"Let’s just give a big thanks for giving us amazing content to enjoy" RAQI
Awesome video