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The war shapes the founding myth of the Ukrainian state. Welcome to the next episode of The 20s Report.
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00:00 Intro
02:40 The will to fight
06:35 Arrogance and foolishness
13:49 Dictatorship vs democracy
15:22 Bad scenario and worse
18:59 Giant on feet of clay
20:41 Russkiy Mir dies, Intermarium arises
22:47 Fresh blood in Europe
24:20 Outro
Research & analysis: Mykola Susuiev
Video production: Łukasz Szypulski
Voiceover: Hubert Walas
Script Edit: Michael Dzurak & Hubert Walas
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#Ukraine #Russia
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The author of the text, Mykola Susuiev, is Ukrainian. The outlook presented is the opinion of the author.
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The music is too loud.
Jump to 2:40 to skip the art shill.
Good analysis
Yes, either Russia should have invaded in 2014, or have done nothing until they were ready before attacking. What they did instead was the worst possible path forward.
You are looking at war with a five minute strategy and have completely missed what is happening. In fact most people miss it. The advance from the North was to weaken forces around kyiv. Then pull back to the main objective of any way. Surround your enemy and cut off their supply lines. And that is what is happening before your eyes. Russia will move. Its forces gradually across the shore of the black sea cutting off the souther ports. Eventually moving over to the Moldovan border and up through transnistria. Once regrouped they will move to cut off the Western border them move in for the final kill. They have said their objective on TV but 5 minute war analysts on YouTube never look at the long term strategy, let alone read the. ART OF War. Open your eyes.
You see a few trivial tank kills as winning the war and Russia running. But you're forgetting that winning a battle is. Not winning a war. Putin will choke Ukraine between Moldova and Belarus. The narrowest. Point of their flanks. Read strategy ffs
Is this Caspian report or am I half asleep?
Poor things.. enjoy
Why is everyone against russia??? Oh yeah…
I just gotta say, Zelenskys a fucking chad.
I fully believe that this war will end with the death of the Mad Butcher Putin. Either he will follow his predecessor’s example and blow his own brains out in his bunker, finally succumb to his myriad of diseases like one of his other predecessors or a coup will see him deposed and “dealt” with.
Hmmm. Ukraine allies with Poland with a NATO type treaty. Therefore if Polish forces going Ukrainians get touched, NATO comes in. Cool.
Incredible video, thank you for the insight and the take on the situation. It brought me some hope
Long live Ukraine
Each day that goes by, Russia gets weaker and weaker. When it inevitably crumbles, it'll take decades for them to come back from this. After Russian war criminals are tried and done hanging at the Hague, every day Russians, much like post WW2 Germans, will have to live with themselves knowing that through complacency, or outright support, they collectively allowed this to happen. There is an argument to be made that the Russians are victims themselves, but for generations, the shame will remain and they will be judged by those who do not believe them to be victims. Meanwhile, at great cost and sacrifice, Ukraine will eventually arise the victor from this war and will have full support from the rest of Europe to aid in its rapid rebuilding and will enjoy a prosperous future.
If this is winning I would hate to see what losing looks like…
As impressive as Ukraine's military resistance has been, I have really been even a bit more impressed with its war for hearts and minds in social media. Russia, whose lies and trolls have been a plague for years, has been totally drowned out of the cybersphere. Opinions are nearly uniform in favor of Ukraine. I have never seen a cause, or an initiative, that has been able to generate this much agreement since I saw my very first YouTube video.
This video is very biased towards EU and Ukrainian point of view rather than an objective assessment of the situation.
The US was responsible for throwing out a democratically elected government as part of Maidan coup in 2014 and it's gone downhill from there. The back pedaling on the Minsk agreements combined with NATO aggression is what prompted Russia to take military action and invade. Also, legislative decree to demote the status of Russian language and Russian speakers in Ukraine was not good.
Ukraine exist at least the last 1500 years and will always exist!
Very good video. Greetings from Ukraine !
one of the most advanced and sinister analyses ever….bravo to the authors
The Russians murdered them discriminately by using artillery missiles against civilian targets: train stations, hospitals, maternity wards, houses apartments, fleeing evacuees, playgrounds, schools, etc . The Russians don’t care who they kill, they indiscriminately reign terror upon the many faces of the now dead 💀. Genocide.
Stop shilling the art scam.
Thank you for such good analytics and sending Ukrainian message to the world!
Good stuff.
11:09 for a moment I thought I saw the Google Chrome logo.
I don't know what you consider 'winning' but the level of delusion in this video is off the charts 'american'
This is delusional ideology.
Russia will take Ukraines coastline, this is happening whether we like it or not.
Without access to the sea ports, Ukraine is finished.
There will be no national day, or ideological fantasy of a sovereign nation. Ukraine will be finished, there’s no coming back from this. Russia will never let go of this annexation and Ukraine nationalism will die of starvation.
I’m a realist, not a Russian sympathiser.
I feel sorry for the death of Ukraine, but she collaborated with the west expecting support but is on the doorstep of the Russians.
Bad move, the west is terrified of fortress Russia, always has been.
Triumphalism = hubris
Ukraine/Zelenskyy = Saints/Saint
Russia/Putin = devils/'itler
The war = Ukrainian победа!
Hubris –> the Fall
Wow propaganda and peddling a scam lol that's so Western lmao
Gosh, author is so delusional.
It's won the war so much that they'll end up starving to pay off debt that their "friends" from the west gave them. If they were truly were their friends they'd forgive some of it instead of "borrowing" additional 2 billion. Poor people didn't even have a damn choice, now they fight to either be Putin's slaves or US' slaves. As if it wasn't enough that they have to go trough this now they'll have to live the next few decades paying off crazy interest rates to IMF, having no money for their people and also being puppets.
Thanks for this interesting analysis.
If Russia takes any land/Territory from Ukraine Russia may consider the war as a success
On its current trajectory is doomed to become a Chinese vassal state, the alternative is to reshape itself into a modern European democracy. Sadly, I suspect that the former is more likely.
Once Ukraine gets heavy modern weapons Russia will be defeated and forced to retreat. God bless you all
Excellent report and brilliant insights. Just as new stars form from the cosmic dust, Ukraine will rise from the ashes of this war stronger, smarter, and wiser. As you said, Russia has written its own death warrant by striking Ukraine. 40,000 Russians applied to be in Ukraine’s foreign legion, which is the ultimate vote for freedom! Glory to Ukraine!
Thank you, from Ukrainian viewer.
Masterworks was nice … not as good as masterbait though
You have been fooled by your own propaganda. I believe a war of aggression (as perpetrated by the US in Iraq) is a war crime according to Nuremberg principles. Likewise this is true of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Nevertheless, looking objectively at Russia's war plans to date, it is pure Clausewitz tactics with modern weaponry.
After neutralizing most of western Ukraine's armed capabilities (complete air superiority being crucial), Russia's forces have pulled out and moved east so as to put Ukraine's forces there in a vice between Russia's long-time combatants in the region, the forces brought east from in and around western areas and those brought down from the north and south in the entire region east of the eastern-most banks of the Dneiper river.
I wish the US and NATO hadn't hung you out to dry. They appear willing to fight the Russian's to the last ounce of brave Ukrainian blood.
Russians are proving they lack the ability to learn from their mistakes, Putin is repeating the same mistake Stalin did in Finland…