Surveillance video shows a school bag crashing down, a poster board flying across the room and a chair rolling across the floor all on their own..
Surveillance video shows a school bag crashing down, a poster board flying across the room and a chair rolling across the floor all on their own..
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It is FAKE.
As long as this ain’t in my school lol
It iss so creepyy
I live in Ireland 🇮🇪 and I have a abandoned shop as my neighbour
That ghost is trying to distract the haunted school
I’m just like 😃
Fake notice the chair being pulled towards pipes with a string
So fake
Not Mine
This ghost is going to the principal’s office to destroying the school and expeled
I know all this can be easily done with string, but why does the principal chime in to agree its real? That IS the most haunting part! Lol
Ireland 🇮🇪
Nasa be like : oh it’s just weather formation
so in my school's bathrooms my friends heard a little boy singing in the girls bathroom 😰 it sounded really creepy….i think a little boy died in my school or maybe our school was built by a graveyard that was torn down 😰. i also saw a message that said "im a boy I'm trapped"
im not lying guys….this is actually real
At 0:17, you can see something back there when the backpack got tossed to meet the can
Why does school have to be so scary at night
It’s real and it’s kind of funny maybe he failed his math test when he was alive and he wanted to let off some steam because he knows he can’t get in trouble now
lolll it a prank or it may not be
これポルターガイスト じゃん
we do not care
Done prank stuff like this many times with fine fishing line
Not sexually
So I seen a dark figure just after the bag flew off the lockers
Not a prank. Unless it is the ghosts are pranking the school
I’m scared my school is haunted because I saw Jeff the killer with my friend will not cap
Fun fact : you dont have to have a super power to chase them ghosts away. Just having a cat is enough for that….ever wonder why egyptians worshiped cat? There is another hidden big reason for that…Try to find it
It’s probably a ghost the chair was pushed all the way against the wall the string can’t do that so it has to be the ghost but the flyer a string and the bag you can see a hand in the glass on the reflection so it’s either a arm or a hand
0:16 you can literally see a hand pushing that backpack
Fake video
Real video. Laughing is not appreciated.
My college was haunted probably before but definitely after we went on a field trip to a cemetery
it's real not fake
Soo tasty Bhoot😋😋
You two ruined it.
If you can look up close when the duffle bag flies out, you can see a person dressed in all black pushing it out!
lol my locker is there
My school is haunted
Plus everything is moving in a straight line like so obvious:/
If you don’t notice but this is fake as is why the lockers are close to the windows the person behind this was hiding behind the lockers since it’s outside of the window to do this so please get that this isnt real
Thank u Aunties .
If the security cameras are working non stop and record 24/7 then they can examine the footage and discover suspicious activities than can be linked to the possible faking of the video.