This time clips sent to us over past few weeks including near misses, drivers breaking road rules, accidents, red light runners etc. * NOTE – Near misses often appear further away on Dash Cams
BAD DRIVING from Across Australia (some clips have been featured/published on the channel)
There are some examples of good drivers avoiding some poor driving!
DO YOU have a clip for Volume 37? Send it to us!
#aussiecams #baddriving #dashcamaustralia #dashcamaccident #redlightrunners
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All videos uploaded/submitted by our followers!
*All information we have at time of upload is included in our description. We may update when further information is provided, sometimes this can be weeks later.
*Please note: any comments or statements from witnesses or viewers are not those made or supported by Aussiecams.
*Volume may be muted from original content, if copyright music owner makes a claim. Unfortunately on occasions, this will also mute dc owners voice/reactions.
Women ambulance officers, good medical but no road or traffic sense.
9.50 how to drive an old Ford, leave your brains at home and use the whole road.
7:26 I am sorry to say, but the ambulance should of had priority over the other cars coming through. The guy should of radioed through.
Very thoughtful of the trailer bloke to display his IQ for the world to see !
you aussies are crazier then us kiwi's
3:58 Wow Eurythmics! You don't hear them often today.
0:59 Bad enough the arseclown in the Land Rover did what he/she did, setting a great example.
Then the P plater ran the red, less than 3 seconds before turning green! P platers don't have enough points to lose as it is. Certainly not worth it for less than 3 seconds!
1:31 That's the strangest unsecured load I've seen in ages! Would it be too much to ask you to plug in your trailer cable? You've got no brake lights & no indicator.
2:51 Nice crack. At first glance, I thought it was a bird. Then there's King Wanker in the Subaru…. Genius.
8:15 Another example of "professional" driving?
9:18 Threefer!
At least someone was holding that fridge
Smart people will not use tictok
The greyhound driver should lose their license on the spot for that stunt.
No reason for that sort of lack of situational awareness / attention to other traffic, putting other drivers and their passengers at grave risk.
here's a pro tip for using a Dash Cam, make sure that it's a clear picture that is being recorded before leaving the driveway a fuzzy cam feed means nothing to your insurance.
Haha guy at 3:03 just should have gone around the roundabout what a fxxxwit!
8:15 "Report traffic accident 131700" LOL.
6:30 GPS- "You have reached your…final destination"
and the Darwin award goes to the man at 1:35 seconds
Unfortunately we are having some people who are driving like your BAD DRIVERS here in the 🇺🇸!