This desperate boy looked impossible to save. His skull appeared more “incomplete” than wounded. Maggots had burrowed into …
This desperate boy looked impossible to save. His skull appeared more “incomplete” than wounded. Maggots had burrowed into …
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Bunu yapanlar yok olsunlar..
Bir can bu duruma ne kadar zamanda gelir TANRİM BİN BELANİZİ VERSİN…
Hlo bhai ap ka kaya number ha bata do bhai
Il popolo dell'India rispetta e ama gli animali grazie e Dio lo benedica
God bless you….❤️❤️❤️❤️
How are these dogs getting wounds on their heads? are people doing this to them ?
It was alfi's will yo. Love, but God above also willed it for his beloved creation. He also gave his rescuers the will and know how to save precious Alfie. God bless. Keep up the amazing work you all do, you're the best!!
You guys are so amazing. Thank you for what you do! Bless you Alfie! He's sooooo handsome!
Vcs são incríveis, são maravilhosos, ajudando estes pobres animais indefesos, Deus abençoe ricamente a todos vcs!!😇❤🙏🙌🙌🙌🙏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏aqui do Brasil 🇧🇷
Спасибо от душой великлму ветеринаром низкий поклон вам от узбекистана
Que bonito parece um leão
Ustedes son unos ángeles..
Que maravilloss socorristas
El pobre animal lo estaban comiendo los sexos
Gracias por salvarlo se le ve tan bien
I don't understand why people would let this animal continue to roam around for such a long time knowing that there was something wrong and the could of helped him before it got to this point. Thank you all for saving his life and giving him hope for a better life.
You never give up on an animal 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 bless you all 🥰🥰
Muito lindooooo fofura Lambeijos
Meu DEUS que coisa horrível pobrezinho ainda bem que ficou bom por ter encontrado anjos do bem que herreiro que Deus abençoe vcs em nome de Jesus Cristo 🙏🙏🙏
God bless you all !,,,thank you, thank you, 🙏🏼 thank you
He looks like such a happy guy now…ready for fun, love and…..CUDDLES..you are the best. God bless you all…and thank you so….hugs
Increíbles os adoro y admiro no tengo palabras ,para deciros lo grandes que sois ,dios a puesto magia en vuestras manos y vuestro corazón ❤️🙏
😢💘💔💔cud że przeżył👏❤❤❤💞
Mere paas to shabd hi nahi he sir me kya kahu . aap jesa dayawan her ghar me peda ho . bhagavan apko khush rakhe . dil khush kar diya sir aapne
Darling Alfie, I love you precious boy. Thank all that is holy that you came to the attention of Animal Aid, they are the BEST.
Thank you n God bless you guys🙏 😇❤watching from Indonesia🇮🇩
Mai kuch nai bol skta
Люди которые помогают наверное сами много прошли
Aww! He's so cute!!!
Thanks a lot,
It is so much nicer to watch these videos when you make monthly donations so you know that you are a small part of this beautiful thing. 😍
Praise the Lord. Amen. Thank you Animal Aid Unlimited India
You guys never cease to amaze me. That was a horrific injury. Your professional medical care plus all the Love given to these animals just shows the dedication you all have to make animals who are injured a second chance at a good life.
Bless you all
Sir we want your numder please
At 3.20/22 he gives a subtle tiny kiss 😘 to one dog, it really struck me how sweet and deep their friendship is
Vitória obrigado
Come si fa a ridurre così un cane che cattiveria
Quanto sofrimento tadinho ainda bem que existe anjos iguais a vcs na terra para ajuda-los
Deus e vocês são maravilhosos parabéns
You guys did an amazing job 👍❤️