Simon and Lawrie were recently called out to a rescue that is sadly, all too common. Entangled in garden netting, this fox needed freeing – before constriction wounds could set in. Did they succeed? Have a watch to find out!
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Ever wanted to see the goings on behind the scenes at a Wildlife Rescue Centre? Well now you can! We have super cute hedgehogs eating their dinner, dramatic rescues of wild deer and everything in between. So click subscribe to keep up to date with our new videos uploaded weekly!
love the little "thanks" boop once hes free
நரி மிகுந்த உணர்வுடன் தன்னைக் காப்பாற்றியதற்கு நன்றி தெரிவிக்கும் வகையில் பார்த்து செல்கிறது.
Does every English person have to say "Right" every three seconds ?
It's like he was saying thank you before he left. Unreal.💞🦊💞
Fantastic rescue, imagine the fear of this poor fox being in that trap.
I love watching these fox rescue videos straight from southern Brazil. God bless you for dedication to this service.
I REALLY LIKE THE SLOW MOTION. You should use is more often.
Nur der Mensch baut so Mist🖐️
Merci pour lui
Good job!
What a wonderful gentleman – thanks!
Thank you for saving him
Why that stupid netting? As if the fishermen’s wasn’t enough!
Most Gratifying 🙂 thank you. -Good Man ; Excellent Fox ( or vis – vis )
That's awesome, we need more people like that around to help animals and people.
I had a skunk stuck in a rat trap a few weeks back… Fox in a net sounds like an easier fix.
After it was released it did the same sorta thing, looked at me like 'oh… right thanks' then walked off.
Sve sto covjek napravi stetno je za prirodu !
This video is staged for YT as usual.
He knew you were helping him. Scared, yes, but he knew. Thank you for saving him.
Foxes are cute. I wish I had a pet fox.
Thank You for being HumanKIND 🙏
The closest, thank you, you'll get from a wild fox is that bit at the end, turning around to sniff the contraption used around his neck.
That was amazing video.
何でこんなハサミなんだ? 胡散臭いな!
Умненький лис.
Поразительно! Я думала, как только лиса почувствует свободу, убежит прочь, но нет, лиса спокойна. Она не боится этого человека.
Amazing! I thought, as soon as the fox feels freedom, it will run away, but no, the fox is calm. She is not afraid of this person.