Every day we are called to rescue kittens and if we didn’t spay and neuter thousands of cats every year, it would have been so much worse!!!
We really appreciate your support and donations that help us prevent the suffering and death of so many kittens ❤️❤️❤️
If you can, I would LOVE for you to join us as a member with a $5 monthly donation. It will take two minutes to set up, and it will help us save many more dogs and cats: https://www.HopeForPaws.org
JoAnn Wiltz responded to this call on the #HopeForPaws line and headed out to save this family. There is a huge colony in the area, and we’re working on getting all the feral cats there spayed/neutered and released.
Miya is fostered by our video editor Justin (he named the mama after his favorite Sushi restaurant) along with her babies: Soy Sauce, Bean, and Sprout. They are now all looking for their loving forever homes. Many times kittens get adopted quickly and it takes longer to adopt the moms, and I hope you will share this video so it doesn’t happen – she is really sweet and special.
If you would like to adopt them, please contact our friends at Room 8: https://www.Room8Cats.org
Thank you so much!
#Kittens #Cat
Omg she doesn't look a year old herself! How awesome she can be fixed and go back to playing as a pampered kitten at her furever home after mom duty is done.. ❤
The momma cat too me said thanks
What a beautiful kitty, just a baby herself. I love her tabby markings, and hope that she and the babies are safe and in good hands.❤️
бедные детки, всех жалко
Poor cat.😭 my heart is breaking completely💔💔. Seeing this scene brought tears to my eyes. Humanity is still alive! Please respect the life of animals!
What's the longest time gap You've had between rescues?
Oh my goodness! Such cuteness all around! Thanks for saving the babies and taking them back to their mama! 🙂❤️❤️
I just found an injured kitten outside my house, it was very very weak, I put water on it to see if it was alive, and I tried my best to keep it hydrated, called the authorities but they never came, the cat was actually the pet of the person on the other side of our street, but had carelessly left him there, trying to see what I can do more, I just don’t have a feeling it will survive
El gato negro que entró también en la jaula se quedó abandonado, porque?
great work. i hope the tnr is a success would love to see the updates
I freaking love ya JoAnn. The way you take animals home for safety first, clean them, and (the best), give affection gives me goose pimples! Just like the rest of the team, we need more of you!!! You may not see guardian angels, but they're there., 🤗💚
Bathing and using a blow-dryer on a car you just took from the street? This is crazy
We have so many cats left by the owners, please help them,thanks from the Manila Philippines.
I especially love the mom and baby cat rescues. It’s so beautiful to see how happy and safe they feel afterward; you can see it in their faces
The mother was taking good care of them I would say as her kittens were nice an fat.
OMG!!!! i want them all, but have 15 from finding them abandoned in Fort Lauderdale
Babies having babies even in the animal world.
This is the most gentle and visibly supportive capture and rescue I have ever seen. You give new meaning to the words of love and care for me. These kittens are beginning life in a truly "enriched environment", something psychologists hope for for every nurtured being.
eu tenho uma gatinha linda dê mais
Amazed at how calm the mother was. Kittens grew up quickly and became even cuter. Hope they find their forever home!
Aww…the mama is so so cute sweet beautiful and loving 👏🥰
JoAnn is so good at rescuing. She thinks of everything. This family is beautiful. I like how Mom has a private room that doesn't say private for long.
Vai aparecer um monte de gente boa pra adotar esses lindos ! 🐈⬛🐈😸🐱😺😹😸😻😼😽🙀😾😿♥️♥️♥️🌻🙌
This lovely video actually brought a smile to my face this morning. Joann is so sweet and gentle with the animals. She is a gift.
It’s just nice when they can get an animal off the street I mean I understand that’s not always going to be possible but it’s nice when it can happen
She’s so young but a very good mama
Thank you both for saving that beautiful mama kitty and her beautiful babies their so precious adorable I see in that mama kitty in her eyes she’s so greatful 🥰❤️❤️❤️
One thing I noticed is you never see the dad cat in these videos lol
Beautiful rescue ❤ ♥ 💖 HOPE FOR PAWS 🐾
Ok noone is cutting onions near me, I'm alone here…so I'm crying.
Edit: @3:42 seeing her tee-shirt…now I wanna play Street Fighter with her.
4:26 – when you know everything is going to be ok… I think mumma cat loves you already Jo. Can you keep her??
She’s such a sweet little mama.
So sweet !!