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#Kasuri Murgh Malai Chicken
#Methi Chicken
Great work brother
Big fan sir big fan
So nice
Waalaikum assalam
If you find me in comment subscribe us ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Amazing delicious recipe
Good Job Sir 👍
Nice recipe bhai
We love you bhai 😍
You are doing such a great job 🙂
I have no words for your great work
Aalha aapko saihat or barkat aata farmai
I am really appreciate your work ..
Walaikum assalaam
420 saala
I want to be needy people after this
Wow very yummy recipe. And very easy and taste chicken malai. Jazzkallah Khair
Kya bat hai Khwaja Moeen Uddin, you got a ❤️ from Pakistan.
Happy RAmjaan
Jai Hind 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Nice 🙏 ❤ 👌 👍 🙏
masha allah badiya bhai
wow bro superb….I tried most of ur recepies they are really good….
make a vedio on how to make chicken momos
واعلیکم اسلام ورحمتہ اللہ وبرکاتہ
Walikumsalm khwaja bhai eid Mubarak ho bhai
మీరు ee రిసిపైస్ names ఎలా పెడతారు 6అన్నా
Thank you
As saalam alaikum Dastaerkhaan ke uper serve karo berkaat bhi aur sunaath bhi Shukriya
Advance happy ramjan Nawab's kitchen
Mashallah bhaijan
Green chillies.
Dada, you are great. Obviously you are serving the God. I am sure that the God sent you to perform this generosity.
Full of yummy
Full of tasty
Allah bless you….lot
Mashallah Allah apko kush rakhe
Bhai ko advance me eid ki shubhkamnaayein😊 🙏🥰🤗
😘❤️ Love from Andhra Pradesh ❤️😘
Sabhi log aise hi logo ko khilaye to duniya mei koi bhuka nhi soyega gbu
EiD Mubarak in Advance NAWABS Kitchen
😍 l Am YouTube 😘
Mera Tech channel hai
😎👉mere channel se Aapka Help Ho sake .. Hai
❤❤ my new video❤❤
The best food maker
Masha Allah masha Allah
Kadak bhau
MAshallah great sir