This is your crash course to catch up on the story so far in Young Justice Season 3. Young Justice now streaming on HBO Max!
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Young Justice Season 3 Crash Course | Young Justice | HBO Max
young justice season 1&2 made it a good Dc show season 3&4 cemented it as one of the great animated dc shows
The 1st 2 seasons of Young Justice were absolutely fantastic once you're halfway through the 3rd season you realize they should now be calling the show woke justice. They essentially turned it into a liberal propaganda machine and a machine and it's sad.
Why did BLACK 🌩️🌩️🌩️ at the end sound like Malcom X, LOL
I love that cyborg’s iconic voice actor did the voice for his dad
R.I P. Neal Adams…
This show has been amazing since Season 1!!! This current season is Epic!! Every season has been Epic!!! Please keep this show going forever!!!
This show is well written
DJ song 2
Need more Red Hood action, who agrees!!!
YOUNG JUSTICE DC BEST Animated Show since Jl/Batman/Superman/Green Lantern shows. Please bring them back plus more!!
Anyone know where I can watch the full series online???
When can we get young justice from other platforms except hbomax
please renew it for season 5
IMO, this series has legitimately entered into iconic status. Any American based animated property worth mentioning at all levels of the creative process is now joined by Young Justice.
DC new most powerful superman character defeat presence in new superman comic treasure
okay but yall gonna renew it or nah
Am glad they kept this art style it is one of the best if not the best
Who is the black guy in between batwoman and flash and is that plastic man far left
Wonder woman can be pretty terrifying…
Season 5 let's go
Can’t wait for this for season 4. We’re not even done yet and it’s been such a mind blowing roller coaster. The YJ writers really deserve more credit and the show more love. Its one of the last remnants in an age where everything is live action and such low quality (not “everything” but I’d like more diversification in mediums like when I was younger). I really want YJ to get renewed for more seasons and more importantly some spin offs when the show isn’t airing. The writers have created such a massive and fluid DC universe, I’d love it to have more room to breathe. Also I just really want shows like “supersons”, “red hood and the outlaws”, and “literally anything with Razer in the lead searching for Aya” within the YJ universe and at that same level of quality.
Man such a great show!!!
Justice League Unlimited and Young Justice, All Hail The Writers ✨
Listen up DC if Amber Heard gets in next Aquaman I'll boycott every movies you realese in future. I'm a marvel fan anyway
Black Lightning was probably the best character in season 3 hands down.
This show is the s*** if we really had many humans this is exactly how to end up especially if aliens existed and were involved
Season 4 sucks
Ok kind of wierd how u skipped the whole of black lightning, showed him being seduced by a crazy woman and then randomly turn him into the leader. The dispute that came up between batman and black lightning was what u needed here. Would've been enough context to prove why he was here.