VOTE #BDBESTMODE2013 http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?492819-Put-Banning-Draft-back-into-Matchmaking
Don’t forget to submit your Top Fail of the Week! http://dft.ba/-topfails
please help me when i open HoN after log in no shop no news no nothing no game just background option is dead
these people are made by some noobs, newbie, or maybe they're from 1200-1400 MMrs , and they just made bad decisions, then ur suppose to post their IGNS in the video, and comment something bad about them? shame on you
very unprofessional cast
why is there about 2.5 minutes of previous on fails of the week footage, and why is it at the end of the clip?
Hahaha I'm jewish and I don't find it offensive. He was just trying to tell a joke, and as long as its a joke, feel free to tell it 🙂
lol. JIDF alert.
isnt baumi german? arent jewish jokes kinda outta bounds? #Peopledontforget
lol.. in english noob
fucking stupid stop talking
Please watch the swearing. I'm not against swearing by any means but it's irritating to listen to constant, unnecessary 'fucking'.
he's not funny
When they update the map, and you watch a replay on an old map, it often screws up the art assets and makes it look stupid. Watch a replay from december when it was snow themed, you'll see a bunch of bugs.
i cant see any of parts i gave 🙁
good ep btw 😀
"The Chronos Effect" – When a fail occurs due to the presence of a Chronos
BEST SOLSTICE EVER he was on my team……
can u do top wins???
what's up with the groovy trees ?
there's a filipino like me it's that bano guy 😀
Creepy shadows, it was like something invaded world of newerth.
not sure if I should be proud or ashamed that my play made the video
ending was the best part XD
how i can submit ??? xD
lol good vid.. whats with the shadows tho?? it isn't happening to me..
Keep these going plz 🙂
I like this. Let him crack jokes!
Baumi it's nice video but please watch DOTA 2 top fails and see how good the commentary is !!!
Good luck man 😉
long time you been no school eh ?
baumi please 1 more gladiator video..now i try to playing galdiator
long time u not doing this….
primero en comentar en español xD 😀
wtf with the shadows? D: