#dog #cat #animal
Parasites in dogs take many forms, but they all have one thing in common: sooner or later their presence will almost always have an impact on your pet’s health or comfort. They can cause anything from mild irritation to serious illness.
The CAPC website has very helpful prevalence maps that provide data of the infection of parasites, from low to moderate to high, across the U.S., broken down by state. Especially useful is that the maps are further broken down into types of parasite, the risk to your pet. There are also separate maps for cats, and there is a glossary of additional parasites and terms. https://www.petsandparasites.org/parasite-prevalence-maps/#/
Laid Back Guitars by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com
Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/_laid-back-guitars
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/OOiBVpyOdRc
Thank you for helping all the kitties 🙂
For all of these people that misuse, mistreat these animals.just remember you got to hell if you stop the violence on these animals
There are still good people around in the world may God bless you'll😇
So good to see u feeding that dear cat. It's very hungry the wee pal. Thankyou.
DANKEEEEE ❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤
Cualquier animalitos q sea abandonado, o maltratado.porfabor .ayudemosles,y procuremos q se pare el maltrato a los animales.gracias
Los Felicito por SER BONDADOSOS con los ANIMALITOS!!!! y Tomar de Su Tiempo y Atenderlos y qué le cuesta a uno dar un puñadito de comida!!!! TANTOS ANIMALES SUFRIENDO y PASANDO HAMBRE en la CALLE, ESO NO ES JUSTO,. ESO ES MUY TRISTE!! Pero GRACIAS que AÚN HAY ANGELITOS que Llegan en Su MEJOR MOMENTO y les Dan un poquito de ALEGRÍA!!!! HURRA por TODOS USTEDES!!!! Sigan ADELANTE con su HERMOSA MISIÓN!!! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
Susto não sujo. Chegou gata. Vai. Casa minha. Parec. Cama. Sono. Gata!!! . Cuidar gata
Minha. Casa parece cama sono gata..
Linda. !!! Deus te abençoe. Feliz.
Eu também cuidar. 🔎Gata
Dankeschön für die Hilfe🇩🇪❤❤❤🙏🙏❤❤❤❤❤🐈❤🐩❤🦝❤🦊❤🕊❤🐺❤🐕❤🐈❤🐈❤🐈❤🐈❤🐈❤🍗🍕🥖🌭🥪🌭🥛🍼
God bless you for all you do for these animals. I thank you so❤
가엾은 작은생명에게 따뜻한 마음손길 주셔세 고맙습니다 감사합니다 🙏😂 건강하시고 복된날만 되십시요 🙏😌🌿💙💕
Grazie 🥰🐶
Die Katze dankt es dir…
Thank you very mutch animal. 🌺🥀🌹🏵🌸🍀🍁
Que buena accion de estas buenas pedsonas para ayudar a estos animalitos.muchas bendiciones.🙏🐈♥️😍👍
Děkuji 🙏 moc za jídlo a pomoc 😻 prajem 🍀💞😻🌞
Thank goodness you got him. God bless all of you.