In this flashback, John Salley reacted to Scottie Pippen saying that he’s never seen Charles Barkley try and fight a white guy. John stated that Pippen’s comment is somewhat strange to him, and he added that Barkley only picked fights that he knew he’d win. To hear more, including John speaking about Pippen as a player, hit the above clip.
He tried to fight Shaq one time. Scottie is a legit top 50 player. Jordan says he couldn't of won six without Pippen. Maybe 2 or 3 but not six. Pippen went 57 and 25 without Jordan and should've gotten the MVP that year.
I thought that window incident happened in Milwaukee
Pippen having a mid life crisis
how many white guys are in the NBA? I've also never seen tom hanks fight a black guy. yet here we are.. some people are morons
Ok look I’m white. I get that there’s racism in the air but that shit ain’t ever come from me but yet black folks always takin shots at white people like we hos aight I see how it is
It was in Milwaukee Charles push dude threw a window
"I didn't even know I was a tough guy…..but I do know I was tougher than his ass"
Chuck on "Softie" Pippen.
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Charles Barkley fought 3 white guys 👦 on the streets of Milwaukee and whipped their ass and got arrested for battery. Again scottie pippin talking delusional. He don't want to go for the heavyweight championship.
I'm a bulls fan but I know scottie should never speak on scrapping
Scottie been wild n out for years…1st before LeBron ever won a championship Scottie said LeBrons career was better than Jordan's. Other crazy things now this!!! His ex wife was messing with a timberwolves reserve 1/2 her age buy Scottie still talking crazy. Scottie!!! NBA legend… Plz "be quiet". You making yourself look bad
Barkley fought Bill lambier an kicked his ass an he is white
I hate this mf always says the right shit
Click bait title at its worst smh
Chuck didn't start the fight with Jose Lugo who was not a white man…
Prime chuck flushing 90%of NBA players 🤣
Your title is misleading u not slick SMH
For someone who brags about his subscribers and platform, sure a lot of errors in the titles.
What’s crazy is that people act like it’s no footage of pippen playing basketball. I watched every bulls game . Scottie was ok but not top 50 lol . Hello people we actually watched him play, but he get credit because they hate to give it all to Jordan . Pippen was a 17-6-6 career guy . People Jordan averaged more than that at 40 . Sally just because u like how he practiced and he had all the physical traits on the court he was just average. Look at the games not the highlights. U say y’all had to worry about pippen not Jordan sally so why in the hell when I watch the games y’all double Jordan and leave pippen open . Smh lies . People watch the games if u don’t remember please
Blacksest people can’t be racisums
I think Barkley got into a little scuffle with Bill Laimbieer who was Caucasian and played for the Detroit Pistons
Labeled this all wrong, genius
Scottie BALLED. He did da DAMN THANG but if Scottie is top 50 so should Domonique Wilkens!!!!!
Dennis rodman never even had a fight with someone he only got in there head
Pippen just be talking 😂😂😂
Tgsts bull shit cause Scottie could won when M.j left one bad call stopped him. Scottie is a better player than Charles Barkely so idk why .
John Sally is a over achieving Hollyweird assimilated bum,so who is he to even speak on Scottie and he has some of the worst boring Vladtv interview's ever.
Laimbeer was a savage!!
Hes in his 60s who gives AF!!
He played in the NBA, he didn’t box 🙄
do a new john salley interview
Barkley loves his white zaddy. He even stated the greatest player he’s ever played against was Kevin Mccale
If it came down to who you want to have your back in a fight aint nobody picking Pippen
Did we all forget how Chuck threw a ball at Shaqs head? If picking a fight with one of the strongest individuals who ever walked the earth doesn't disqualify Chuck from cowardice I don't know what would.
Scotty's too old for this nonsense go take a vacation and take a chill pill
Michael Jordan would have still had championships without Scotty just not as many and everyone winning has at least one great player around.but u can't say Scottie would have one shit without mj
Michael Jordan would have still had championships just not as many and everyone winning has at least one great player around.but u can't say Scottie would have one shit without mj
This is why Scottie Pippens woman was getting piped out by other men 👀. Scottie is a weirdo
Jack Sigma too….
Didn’t he fight Laimbeer? What is the deal with Pippen?
Charles also fought Jake sigma. Charles hit him throwing a punch and missed. Instead he hit him with his fore arm and Jake went down like Gerry Conney. Jake played for the bucks. I remembered cause I laugh so hard. Dropped Jake to 1 knee.
LOL he forgot Bill Lambier who was on Sally's team 🤣
Hell nah , Chuck tough asf lmao
Scottie is nowhere as good as Jordan Ms Salley stop tryna passively insinuate that.
Most white boys can’t fight lmao
He literally fought Shaq 😂
Charles Barkley would fight you back in the day. Chuck was no joke man. Chuck talks a lot now, but homie was about that life in his younger days. He was with the shits 💯