What’s good everybody, it’s Wicked here!
Welcome to the fourth season of a series I decided to start about four months ago; “Wicked’s Deepwoken Solo Progression.”
What the series is about is quite self-explanatory; I progress as a solo player in Deepwoken.
Last season ended off absolutely atrociously and I need my redemption.
Enjoy the video ~
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#Wicked #ROBLOX #Deepwoken #DeepwokenSoloProgression #DeepwokenSolo
Wicked answer me please u k ow someone that will help me to get unban from deepwoken because someone joined on my acc and got ban from 20 games and deepwoken too I did ban appeal and idk what I can do tell me please that u know something more
finally up to date keep up with the entertaining content
soooo close to 3k!
Tip for threshers, if they tail swipe, only do 2 M1s as they attack faster after the tail swipe. Every other move you can hit three times. Hope this helps.
Getting bloodiron spirit is really useful not only because of what it does and the health buff but the talent after that, "Thresher Scales". It basically let's you heal your armor whenever you are sitting near a campfire so I suggest getting it whenever you can
I saw this on another comment, asking when you’re gonna evolve into “Devious”. I’m just spreading the idea so you can see it.
At 15k subs, you should change your channel name to Devious and start being more devious
new upload lets goo
Keep up the good work
Another banger, FireDemonDude!
I advise to stay away from King Threshers, Owl, Squidboo and king jelly’s until ur higher level
Nice too see the improved editing
Wicked when you finna evolve into devious?
Yo wicked replace bolt piercer with Jolt grab also if u do this put a magnet spark on both that and lightning blade to tp you to your opponent. Also I recommend getting 40 int for overflowing dam (1.2% damage boost if you have full ether). ALSO IF YOU CHOOSE TO STAY WITH KATANA OR GET SHATTERED GET VIGIL CLOAK CUZ U GET A 10% DAMAGE BOOST WITH SHATTERED AND 20% WITH KATANA ASWELL AS 30% PHYSICAL ARMOR REDUCTION AND 20% ELEMENTAL REDUCTION.
its always a good day when Wicked uploads
You should add magnet spark on lightning blade so you can teleport to the closest
How do I get better at pve depths mobs?
Back wit the consistent uploads W series
Wicked come help me do ferry man bro;-;