15 Powerful Tornadoes in 1 day affected Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska! Natural Disasters, 3th of May

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You are watching Climate Change! Here you hear about the most resonant events about the climate, cataclysms, various natural phenomena and incidents on Earth.About 15 tornadoes have been seen in different US states over the past day.
Kansas tornado inflicts heavy damage and leaves thousands without power.
The National Weather Service (NWS) has issued severe thunderstorm warnings for Midwest states including Kansas, Iowa, Missouri and Nebraska.
In the city of Wichita, the mayor said 50 to 100 structures had been damaged, especially in the suburb of Andover.
However there are so far no reports of serious injuries.
At a press conference on Saturday morning, local officials said there had been no deaths, despite the extent of the damage to buildings and cars.
According to the Energy outage map, more than 22,000 customers were without power directly after the tornado.
Kansas is in the heart of so-called “tornado alley” and is one of the most active regions in the world tornado-wise, according to the NWS.


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About the Author: Climate change


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