The White House Correspondents’ Association holds its annual awards dinner in Washington, D.C., with The Daily Show’s host Trevor Noah providing the entertainment along with remarks from President Biden. https://www.c-span.org/video/?519515-1/trevor-noah-headlines-white-house-correspondents-association-dinnerm
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LOL. Where did CSPAN dig up that first-day-on-the-Daily-Show photo of Trevor Noah, for the thumbnail?!? Hiring Indiana Jones as their media consultant was a mistake.
Cannot stand his dry jokes sorry🇿🇦🇿🇦
Why there's not an award for Julian Assange? FREEDOOOOM
When someone tells you who they are, you believe them.
About journalists and jail:
The jesters never had gone to jail.
Nothing against Trevor – I like his satirical skills.
But to Biden introducing him:
What a shame with this cheap joke. Never done something to free the US tracked guy who told the truth about dirty actions by governmental departments.
Nice evening with proud guys celebrating this pathetically American story of freedom and truth….
… And beyond them all the same putrid smell of mendacity…. 🤔😟😨🤢🤮😵
Will follow you Back Trevor Noah, finally people see your siding no one but TRUTH !!!
The pain people are feeling in the heartland us too fucking funny, right?
39:33 🤣🤣🤣👍
F Joe Biden and Let's go Brandon I agree.
And now they all have covid 😂
Why wasn't Julian Assange invited? Oh that's right, he's locked up for publishing the truth.
The market is profiting if you are using a good broker or account manager to help out with trades or provide signals
all fox hosts double vaxxed and boosted—yet they spread every lie known
The sound of the videos is not good
Trevor I know your mom is soo proud of you.
Very good night!!!
Mr. Noah's presentation was funny, yet kind. At the end his comments to the media were profound, and true. They need to think about all those in the media who are jailed for speaking the truth and are silenced either by being thrown in jail or murdered for doing so, by governments who are not allowing their people to hear Truth for decades. People who live in fear of their lives and those of their families.
Idk man. If you look at Biden a year before he became president and now.. his age is really showing
I was going to watch this, but Kim k and Pete Davidson was there . They ruined politics for me .
Meh. From the right to the left, what other room in America could be so ripe for the roasting. Years ago, I would've thought Trevor Noah would be up to delivering a Colbert-worthy WHCD truth rocket.
We had a horrible plague followed by two years of Covid… Priceless
Love Trevor. America is still segregated.
Wonderful hosting of Trevor Noah brilliant comedian. Specially when he reminded the press how important their responsibilities are.
Trevor was spot on 80 % of the time .
Where is Hunter Biden ?
@43:40, Doocy was not impressed with the Vaccine & Booster jibe😂
Democrats just don't push their positives enough. It hurts me to say that they need to take some lessons from Republicans about conveying their message.
The Lord Ha Ha’s and the Tokyo Roses get together with Goebbels without mentioning the truth teller Julian Assange whom they are torturing to death.
Please watch Fox 18000 legals are gonna enter every day next month because they're canceling title 42 please learn about the laptop please learn the truth I asked this I watched both sides please God speed
Craig Ferguson was the best headliner for White House Correspondents Dinner
Donald's minions would've roasted the African comedian. Like really roasted him. Over an open flame.
Noah big 🅿️
The NAZI PRESS Fuck you
The corrupt press
This is what makes Democracy great. This is what makes freedom of the press great.
Fascists and totalitarians who aim to mute the press to control the people with state sponsored propaganda hate what this celebration offers.
It’s great to see people having a great time together.
How sweet you fuckers are🖕