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Mature viewers only. This is an educational documentary. Posted for historical documentary and educational purposes .
This channel covering wars, videos posted not to offend, shock or encourage violence but for news / historical and educational purposes – to document war, war crimes and cases of terrorism. (Every video is dated for such purposes)
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Proud act from Russian Wagner!!! They didn't kill them, they took them POW. What an awesome video!!!! I love it so much!!!!! Great work R&U!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd rather die than get taken prisoner by those monsters.
>No cringey music.
Yes this is what I am looking for.
at last, u shared war stories, its been a while! kip us updated..extra care guys! 👍👊💪
it took the russian army several weeks to take 4-5 villages… the ukrainians took in about 4-5 days the same number of villages in the vicinity of kharkov… i still can't understand the russian army. Why don't they send more troops? It is clear that he lacks a greater number of troops to complete the objectives. It is impossible at this rate to make greater advances and therefore greater cauldrons, therefore a faster destruction of the enemy. The longer the Russian army delays, the greater the quantity and quality of supplies from NATO
R&U el mejor!! Te sigo desde hace años, lo mejor de youtube! Saludos
Слава Россия
We are happy you are back! Muchas Gracias!!!!
Russia is going to pay for all this destruction. They have started something they will come to regret bitterly.
Crazy to see like 4 guys imprison 9 guys. That one guys throwing the grenades really did quite a bit of of work. Worthy of a medal.
Even if you're the most highly trained and best equipped elite soldiers on the battlefield you'll be hunted down methodically by £120 mass produced drones and surgically neutralised in minutes of being spotted.
If you're considering a future career in the military, please seriously consider this, with the advent of the drone and accurate, real time spotting, the average soldier literally has no chance anymore.
The odds are simply too great for it to make any sense in becoming a foot soldier.
muy bueno …. estavas perdido no
14:23 Good throw almost blow themselves up
Please post more Videos of Ukraine most of the News are Fake form USA 🇺🇸 and Europe 🇪🇺 🙏
Drone warfare is the future today .
Well done guys!
May god bless you! 😎💖
Instead of fighting your brothers in Ukraine take Turkey the bosphorus straights Constantinople even Europe would give you their support they would definitely choose not to do anything even though they are part of nato. Taking Constantinople for orthodoxy would be the greatest achievement the Russian army navy could ever achieve it would definitely give Russia more barganing power at the table it's a no brainer.
Another far right mercenary group who are the real nazis, Russia thinks Ukraine has nazis but Russia has the same issues. Russia is a joke using Chechens to keep their troops in line this is going to backfire as Russia troops will start resenting the muslamic Chechens that have been put in charge of gog magog army Russian soldiers rise against the Islamic actors put in charge of you rise against putin and the oligarchs take your future back the status quo of oligarchs and gangsters ruling Russian military and government needs to stop its up to the people and the military to get rid of tyrants and if not your a bunch of pussies look what the Russian government dose to soldiers it's awful they use the mafia to extort troops keep them in line even reports about solders being turned into rent boy's by the mafia. Also troops near the Chinese border have been suicided and had their organs harvested. Look in Syria of the footage of Russian military medical personnel taking organs from tied up people men women and children this video can be found on line very easily organsharvestingisalso a problem in the civilianpopulationwhere mafia trade and sell organsto Chinese. So you see Russian government military don't care about the people.
More like the wanker group
what a "clean" military security operation – FCK WAR
Well done
Soldiers should fight and die. Should not surrender as cowards to save their lives. Shame on Ukrainian soldiers
The Russians will later execute the prisoners. Another mass grave.
i miss the good old days with R&U. Would be nice if we got footage from the ANNA news guys
Why are they risking themselves to clear shitty little sheds? The drone saw a armed man run inot those sheds so just shell them till they collapse
Love at 15:20 soldiers lobs grenade into hut with his buddy standing right behind it.