The Secret IT HAS BEEN PASSED THROUGHOUT THE AGES, TRAVELLING THROUGH CENTURIES… TO REACH YOU. This is the secret to everything — joy, health, money, relationships, love, happiness… everything you have ever wanted. In this astonishing film are ALL the resources you will need to understand and live The Secret. For the first time in history leading scientists, authors, and philosophers will reveal The Secret, a secret that utterly transformed the lives of those who lived it… Plato, Newton, Carnegie, Beethoven, Shakespeare, Einstein. Now YOU will know The Secret, and it can change your life forever.
I dare to dream of. A Better tomorrow for my family and myself.. I want to be the example to my family as how to come up with the funds to fallow 5heir dreams with out owing your life and soul to the banks. And I must say that I do agree with all that you are saying in this program
I got so tired of always Jenn about the negative parts of the news and programs that just never give anyone uplifting thoughts, sooooo I decided to quit watching TV. I also had a few other reasons to quit watching TV. To achieve the things in my life that I needed I just didn't have the time to do everything and so I chose to delete all the hours of just setting and watching the TV all the time. In 8 years I have not felt the need to turn on my TV. I have a few times watched a program on face book or utube. I do watch the card dutorials. I do love to make greeting cards to give and share joys in life. I have found a lot of joy in my life because I have learned to be more creative in my life. I am also a pet groomer and we do pet boarding. The animals do bring a lot of joy to my life. I have now been a pet groomer for 47 years. I want to build some storage units on my property and so we will hang out with the animals for another 1 1/2 years while we use our money to do some investments to generate the income needed for the storage units. I don't want to have the units financed through any bank. I'd rather earn the funds first. We just started a few months ago but solar we feel that we are on track and heading in the right dirrection to achieve our goals.
The Secret was never buried. The power of positive thinking and manifestation has been around for a very long time.
I have a similar experience of having two ovarian cysts the size of golf balls that were found and I went to the doctor in the morning after having been in the ER the night before and I said immediately into the doctor, "The next time you see me they'll be gone!"I had just learned about the law of attraction that year. And he just looked at me and said well they grow they could burst we might have to remove them! I said I don't think so I'm pretty sure the next time you see me they'll be gone! Well the next month when I went to see him they had grown together so they were doing something simply by my pure suggestion! I said well by the next time for certain they will be gone that I see you and they were within 2 months they were completely gone! I've never had them since I don't expect to ever have them again! 💖💖💖💖
U don't ask for money u ask for happyest he said watch what u ask for if u ask for to be with Jesus u will go to hell were he is.if u watch for gold then ur gold.something is going on CRAZY on your phone and mine.i ask for the noing y we can fill love but can not have it.he did not no if he did we wood not be in this shit.only one way to happy that is noing what happy is and how long it will last hard work doing good to get the bill goin get the dead beet gone.tax tax we pay them to tax us and they live of our hard work the law will take 10000 $ to get a man that got 10 $.man go,z to jail for pd.it 300$ or 30day in jail CRAZY 150,$a day for 30 day we pay for.they said I of 1690$ I go to jail BECOUSE I new it was a lie so I go to jail for 7 mouth and 15 day,z 400$ wood have got me out but 15o $a day$about 40000$ u tax payer payed.so they can by a new car or make a bigger jail u hurt me dam u thank given.churmust new year,z my day for nothing I will have Justus or dam u they can have u.
Tell u what if u won't I will say they no what they won't Ii am not in it just live the good ALONE or u can ask me to stand for all of us u that NEAD help iii will say for u .what I will say kill me FRist to prove there power for u but u who no it all u stand for u
That book I read in jail 100 day,z to 1 day loop ho gone by y.said the two who watch could not be killed well I killed two of them but some came back I won in that book to .we are not free but u can not tell till u push it to get what u won't Ii had all but love I TRYED for love I got hater when it was going I had all again then I try for love then all hell again lose it I have all again then in 2015 some how I got in love again all hell came again BECOUSE I won't quit this try to save u it steal going CRAZY look and u can see.if u say u love your womun and don't go out on her good but dus she do the same or did u two got push and one did the on good to the other and u had to eat it let it go end of love.
Look real hard who is in your head then u will see u been fooled into doing what ever
If we went to the moon it is just satin there.they told me t
Day it going 220000mile a hour.how can we get on it or stop when we get there
Yes he was right I won't it all all of u,z.to be happy u all have not a dam thing I won't I won't to win u and then give u to u by god way we will I did right the 10 com.i did right the last page.i did right the book on love I am right the next age and it a good 1 real good it will happen try to be here with me be good from the day u hard my word that will free u I hope can not hurt.dont lie on them if they got all y wood they start a war
U thank I am satin here run my mouth noing nothing.here is what I no they won't your world I no they must beat me.i no them bug,z is there last hope of getin me.i no I be here when u all are losted.i am going to school to get u free power getin there.pi no how to do to live for long time if I get some p
U can see people in love don't do drug,z if u can it getin the way.wait till u see what I did so fair hell we got a big add world they must give it to us.we are going to space and move world to the right place as this one go with god and the plan
We must save all we can find love then tell all
Were is my 100000 of back up love will get u to stand up for me
No this the stupid book said the son of man has last word so there u go.if try I will be on your side but u won't NEAD me u be 1 on1 with god toREAL.NO KILL NO MATTER WHAT IS SAID EVER GOD TELL U TO HURT SOME ONE TELL HIM GO F YOUR SELF THAT IS NOT GOD.IT IS JESUS
The secret will ripple through your mind forever.
Not a 1 of u no this we got bug,z tryin to play god boss like 🐝 that is all they no how do u brake that become a 1 fool church is just nothing keep u dum same o same o just like a bee.love is one to one u and god good and won't do no good no more.hart kill stupid u no love and hart two good g.oo.d.god..oo=two.d.ad.i said no man on man it is Rong man at his church said no man on man u diner made him put it down.he good u no good.u tryed man of god.if u got kid,z and no man keep his name help is coming u will work or baby sat buddy.
Yesterday talk,z.a bout tomorrow.tomorrow talk,z about to day what dus that tell u people who has the word new word and the way the path the plan the hart the love .Thomas t me.
Madame Blavatsky nonsense. This is gnosticism.
A scientific film, I advise everyone to listen, it will be useful
This is a great tune-up.