Dumbest Fails On The Internet #90 | STUPID PEOPLE Everywhere | Alonzo Lerone

Dumbest Fails On The Internet #90 | STUPID PEOPLE Everywhere | Alonzo Lerone
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WAIT TILL THE END!! I call REAL kindergartners kids to lift my spirits up!
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Welcome to the official YouTube channel of comedian/entertainer Alonzo Lerone. Looking for comedy, or just a good laugh? Youโ€™re in luck! On this channel, youโ€™ll find a variety of fail compilations showcasing the internetโ€™s funniest and dumbest fails curated by Alonzo Lerone from Twitter, Facebook, advertisements, and much more.

at the end … I call students at West Side Elementary School in Healdsburg, California who created a free telephone hotline where you can listen to uplifting messages delivered by kids ๐Ÿ˜ข these are actual kindergartners WOW!!!


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About the Author: Alonzo Lerone


  1. Weโ€™re sinners going to hell but Jesus died so you can have eternal life. Repent and trust in Him only as your savior (not on being a good person)

  2. After reading
    pen is broken- please use finger
    Hearing your confusion.. Reading again.
    I busted out laughing. Penis broken- please use finger.

  3. Someone needs to teach Alonzo how to pronounce geography. And omg that call he made at the end made me cry. Apparently I needed to hear those sweet words of encouragement from those kids too

  4. Alonzo that was the sweetest thing! ๐Ÿฅบ The world is definitely better with you in it and we are so proud with how far you've come and we can't wait to see how much more you grow.

  5. Idk if itโ€™s just because Iโ€™m pregnant or if it actually touched me but I definitely just bawled my eyes out with you๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญโ€ผ๏ธ

  6. The ending is what we all meed to hear more often than "what other stupid political agenda can we try and force down people's throats today?"

  7. I got an ad for the Suvie kitchen thing right in the middle of him complimenting Suzy on using your correctly. Came back from the ad and this girl done used it incorrectly.

  8. Uuhhhhhhh, am I the only one that feels a phone call with a bunch of prerecorded messages said by kindergarteners is creepy? Like, Pet Semetary Gage creepy.

  9. You are doing incredible. Donโ€™t give up and try to not let your demons get you down. You bring so much positivity and joy to others and you should be doing the same for yourself. Much love โค๏ธ proud of how far youโ€™ve come and how far you will continue to go.

  10. 3:10 I had some guy on Reddit trying to talk a big game by calling me stupid, and going off about his 'big dick energy' for whatever reason. He had the absolute WORST spelling and grammar I've ever seen, so I literally just kept spell checking him instead of actually responding, and he got PISSED. I think my favorite moment was when he accused me of being a 'gramer natsi', then lost his shit when I corrected him. It really is so simple to set someone off.

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