Michael, Ray, and the best of the worst for the week of April 7th!
For more Game Fails visit http://www.youtube.com/gamefails
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Submit your clips now at http://ahuploads.com
Fails from all games accepted!
Michael, Ray, and the best of the worst for the week of April 7th!
For more Game Fails visit http://www.youtube.com/gamefails
Got something funnier?
Submit your clips now at http://ahuploads.com
Fails from all games accepted!
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If spectators had guns…
#3 so he was riding a Titan and someone at EA goofed… again?
1:15 that has happened to me before, I couldn't do ANYTHING and I was just stuck floating on this one guy. I had to shut down the game cause I literally couldn't shoot, jump etc.
The pressure of pirate life one that happened to me in. Both of my play throughs
1:45, that silence is the best thing about that fail.
I'm 2 weeks late but Go Hurricanes!
It is I who got the Net! XD
They said my name!!!!!!!!!!(I'm MattMan035)
I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!!
Hockey net is blasting off again…..!!
Battlefield 4 glitch: "Wow this game is shit"
Every other game glitch: 'Das funny shit"
My clip made the recap! I was the unlucky soldier who never suspected the crane was a threat…
It's "Paxton Fettel" from FEAR 1 and 3
1 lucky fan gets a souvenir…. and a huge hospital bill
These are so good, I miss the themed GameFails though 🙁
to help explain #3 http://kotaku.com/silly-titanfall-glitch-lets-you-ride-enemy-pilots-1547559677
I'm expecting a hefty amount of Trials fails in the coming weeks! We've got a good one on our channel.
Can we get Geoff an Jack to host again?
That nhl glitch happened to me the other day it was so freaking funny
In his latest press release, Brendan Shanahan has fined the net $25,000 and has given it a 2 game suspension for "inappropriate conduct to a fan".
That NHL fail… Well, it's the most interesting thing to happen in a hockey match. Ever.
what happened in #4 ?
"Blackbeard…Lost his fucking mind, talking to rope"
The deliver was fucking perfect haha
Ray: The playoffs are startin-WHOAH!!!!
00:38 Looks like he got tractor beamed
"He's got the whole goal!" wow.
A very lucky fan will be coming home….. possibly with a concussion…..
Avalanche = Colorado Avalanche…
I caught the net 😀
@1:46 Honestly, I have never seen the guy tied up by the rope; this always happens