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Got a gecko named pizza
That's great to here you want a guinea pig! For I have 4 of my own, Husky, Sunflower, Noodle, and Ginger! Some advice for if you do get a guinea pig is that guinea pigs need a lot of space. Because the most common mistake new piggy owners do is not a big enough cage. Also if you want to bond with them you have to hold them, pet them inside and outside the cage and also hand feed them! I love your videos and can't wait for new ones! ❤
so much room for so many fluffy friends!
can you name a dog basil after my dog
btw what device is the real game on ( nintendo,phone,computer ect)
Hey Seri, hope you're doing well! I have three cats, Bell a graceful all black cat, Chestnut a mischeivious multi-coloured cat and Prince a not so smart big tabby cat who loves lots of cuddles! I also have a dog named Daisy, she's a cojack (half corgie half jack russle). She's very jumpy and loves walks. I love your videos they really make my day <3
I have two cats Malaka and Princess but in the house we have 9 cats
Here's some name suggestions after my pets:
Cats: rocky (my black and white one) shadow (my black and fluffy one) Sasha (my tabi kitten)
Dogs: JoJo (my dog that's a borda collie mixed with a doberman) Mitzi (my little shy dog) Luci (my little white scruffy dog)
Birds: Frankie (my green cheeked conure) Onix (my Grey budgie named after a Pokemon) candy (my yellow budgies)
And Spyro (my pet eastern water dragon)
My fur baby s name is dalinar
Could you name a cat or dog Tater? My grandma has a fat cat who's original name was potato but eventually it got morphed into Tater as in Tater-Tot. (I guess this fits the food theme lol)
Hi Seri! I have two adorable cats named Lexi and Mr. Snuggles. Lexi is the fluffiest ragdoll cat who recently found and killed a mouse in our basement. She’s a powerful hunter. She can also open doors lol. Mr. Snuggles is a moody brown cat with a very fluffy scruff and he’s very territorial. I would love if you could name a cat after one of them! (If you decided to, my first pick would be that you name one after Lexi, not Mr. Snuggles. Sorry snuggles, you already get enough attention from our guests!)
ello siri! can you please name a dog after my pupper brownie? or henry after my dog who passed away?
I have two bengal kittens and a husky, (I absolutely love huskies), my bengals’ names are Teewinot (TEE-WEE-NOT) or just teewee, and the other’s name is Togwotee (toh-goh-tee) or just Togs, and my husky’s name is Bodega! I love your videos, please keep making them!
I had couple late cats that you can use the names for this; Simba, Mattie, Annie Belle, Squirrel, and Cloud.
For my other cats; Dixie Belle, Mike Modano, George, Freddie/Mr. Meow, and Jellybean.
For dogs; Phobe, Copper, Cinnamon, and Fiona.
The boxes in the cat kennels were the boxes that you had and the boxes will despawn if you try to make a box castle
Loving the full release of this game so far! I'm really tempted to get it for myself <3
I have three cats that you're more than welcome to use the names of if you'd like :3 We have Darcy, who's a big, fluffy cuddlebug, Sokka, who's a momma's boy, and Riku, who's a lil baby who loves to give kisses. They're all very precious XD
You need to check warehouse. All you stuff that missing goes there. The boxes are yours from before.Also when you run out of room in you inventory. There still in the box.
I have a dog named Copper! Could you name one of your dogs that? Thank you! I luv your vids! I hope you do more live streaming In the future 😜
I will suggest my sweet American Cocker Spaniels Lady and Pitseleh-Pattycakes! ☺😊💜💙💚💛
Here are names for dogs you could name after my pets: Neo (deceased), Ginger
And here are some cat names: Coco, Maui, Minnie (deceased) and Boppie/Mickey (deceased)
Have a great day! 😃
I have a-lot of dogs at home most of them were breed and some of them adopted Milly is one of my dogs she is very tall and she loves to play and i have a puppy named crescent i would love if you would name one of the dogs after mine i also love your vids i always wake up and watch your vids after breakfast
I would love if you need one of the animals after my my Tabby cat Olive!
My dog’s names are Piper and Gus. And Piper loves you! Because of your calming videos! We love you!
My dog name is Nico and he is a teddy poo
I forgot to suggest “Charm”
My troublemaker cat is named Honey!
Omg Everest my baby!!! And cotton ball and crystal and toast my babies!! ty for naming after my animals also glutton is correct cotton ball is a glutton haha
This game is so cute!! Twin Bark Rescue is really becoming a thriving shelter!
Abby is my dog’s name.😊🙂
The cat probably wasn't eating the food because you accidentally gave them dog food, I've done that a few times while playing this game xD
Here’s some names! After all my pets:)
Cats: Pickle, Stan-lee (sadly had to rehome him.) Spades and Pinky
dogs: Bunny, Peanut, Teddy, Tanner, Trooper, Gingerbelle, Coda and Puff.
horses: Owen, Dixie and Sunriser
fish: Lime, Mr. Skittles, Rose and Shark.
that’s all! It would be so cool if some pets were named after them all! Especially Sunriser and Trooper
I would love to see a pet named “Sissy” “Rose” “Milo” “Tofu” or “Spaghetti”
Can you name a dog Kika please I really love her